I still remember, I was about 8 and a half months pregnant and feeling pretty good about myself as I’d read every pregnancy book I could think of. Then I realized…wait a minute, what about when the baby actually ARRIVES? What do I do? Strangely,…
Read More...5 things Friday: Fitness options around the city
This week’s 5 things Friday is a guest post from fellow mama Isa Szeto. I first met Isa and her adorable son at a mommy/toddler group at the Pacific Spirit Health Office. Like many of us, she’s a working mama trying to fit everything in….
Read More...5 things – Resources for baby friendly feeding
When my baby turned 6-months old I became obsessed with making sure he enjoyed eating all types of food. While we’ve had our ups and downs (we just went through the “throwing food when I don’t want it” stage), little Tommy is a pretty good…
Read More...5 things Friday – more easy Christmas shopping ideas
As a follow-up to last week’s Christmas Shopping post, here are some more great & easy ideas to get your Christmas Shopping done in a snap! Get most of your shopping done earlier so you can get everything shipped to you, thereby skipping the need…
Read More...5 Things To Do Around Town Nov 18
Happy Friday! Don’t forget to enter our Facebook contest to win tickets to our Modern Bump Brunch on November 27th (contest ends today). And don’t forget that our early bird ticket price of $29 is on until November 20th. Get your tickets. This week’s 5…
Read More...5 Things To Do Around Town
Happy Friday! . 1 | Are you a modern mama thinking about starting your own business? Attend the Mom Inc. Movement Tradeshow this Sunday, November 6th and get inspired. This tradeshow is all about empowering, informing and inspiring women to take the leap into entrepreneurship, to show…