Christmas Card Giving Made Easy! | eCard Giveaway

A beautiful Christmas mantle

Guest post by: Lee-Anne Ekland over at Mom

EEK! Christmas Day is only 34 sleeps away. Time to get busy!

To help make your holidays a little less stressful and a lot more fun, I’ve got a special giveaway for you! But first, read this.

Sending Greeting Cards the ol’ Fashioned Way

I don’t know about you but I’m not a big sender of greeting cards in general. Especially when I go to the shops to look for a card for that special someone and they want eight bucks for it!

While I appreciate the fact that cards cost money to make, I don’t want to spend my cash on greeting cards when I could use that money to buy a friend a glass of wine instead. Besides, in Canada we pay way more for the same cards and that plain gets my goat. And I’m not about to go cross-border shopping for cards because well who has time for that really, especially with Christmas less than a month away! And do I need to mention that sometimes cards never even make it to their destination on time not to mention the cost of postage? It makes sending greeting cards a stressful occupation.

A Fire Hazard

I love receiving greeting cards in the mail. A good friend of mine makes beautiful handmade cards that I love to give and receive but I prefer to exchange those in person as it’s so much more personal. But what to do with all the greeting cards I’ve accumulated over the years?

I really hate to throw them away at the end of the season and so I’ve stashed them in cupboards and shelves all over the house. They don’t get looked at very often and frankly have become a fire hazard. Ok I exaggerate but you get my drift.

I prefer to decorate my fireplace mantle with things other that Christmas cards. Isn’t the photo of my mantle lovely? (It’s not my mantle, it’s my sister-in-law’s, but I took this photo so in that sense it is mine, right?)

Did I mention that sending eCards is good for the environment? There’s that too.

Sending eCards is easy-peasy

I’ve always loved sending e-cards, it’s fun to get a personalized and sometimes interactive card in my inbox. But I haven’t done it in a while. I suppose it’s just been off my radar.

So when I got a year long subscription for Blue I started to get excited about the possibilities. I like the idea of going through my Gmail Contact List and sending e-cards to everyone! It’s easy when you’ve got a website like Blue Mountain to use. And the fact that I won’t have to spend hours writing and posting cards that may never find their recipient, (except if I get the email address wrong) makes this mom very happy. Time is precious.

Not only does Blue Mountain have a ton of eCards to choose from, but there are lots of options to make your experience fun and to save time!

Here’s what you get when you send greeting cards the online way through Blue

  • Members get unlimited access
  • Special occasion reminder Service ~ you’ll never miss a birthday again.
  • Post eCards on Facebook and make your greeting stand out rather than just an ordinary status update
  • Personalize and print your favourite greetings at home!
  • Schedule your eCards up to one year in advance
  • Attach a gift card to your eCard
  • Free downloadable wallpaper calendar for your desktop
  • Exclusive Discounts for Subscribers
  • Personalized online stationary ~ share recipes, add photos, preserve treasured letters and poems, (all printable!)

I want the people in my life to know I am thinking about them especially at the Christmas season. And now I can. If you are a special person in my life, you’ll be getting these from me soon! Oops, did I spoil the surprise?


Enter to win a one year free subscription from Blue! Contest ends at midnight Dec 6th 2013.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This post was brought to you by Blue  Please look for them and share on Facebook!


Disclaimer: I was given a one year subscription to write this blog post but as always I never write about something I don’t like. All opinions expressed therefore are my own.

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