It’s time for another How Does She Do It! We are thrilled to introduce you to Connie Peters from Greater Vancouver and founder of Modern Mama.
Every few months we’ll interview and feature a ‘Celebrity Mom’! In between we’ll feature ALL moms (You! Please apply here!) Check out all of our How Does She Do It Moms here.
Are you an Urban or Suburban Mama, where do you live?
I’m a Suburban Mom and I love it. I like big box stores, free parking and drive-thu coffee. All things you can’t find living ‘in the city’.
Tell us about your children
I have three girls, whom I cannot believe are so big! They are 11, 9 and 5 (almost 6!). When I started Modern Mama, my oldest two were 2 and 4 years old!
Tell us about your typical weekday
We get up at 7am and hubby’s out the door for work. We eat, make lunches and get out the door at 8.15am for school. This is the first year all of my girls are in school full-day, full-time and it’s amazing.
Do you have help?
I wish I could say YES!
Who cooks dinner?
I do! On the weekends we eat out a lot because I really don’t enjoy cooking and I have pretty picky eaters, so eating out is fun and easier for me.
How often do you buy something for just you?
Probably a couple of times a week. I love magazines, jewelry and inexpensive trendy clothes.
Do you exercise regularly and if so, what and how do you fit it in?
No I don’t and I know I really need to for my health. I aim to do cardio and yoga each a few times per week. I go in phases where I’m really good with it for a few weeks or months, and then times (like now) where I’ll admit I’m dead lazy.
What clothing lines/stores do you like to buy for your children?
I love Gap, H&M, Target, Aero Kids, Ivivva and Triple Flip.
Complete the following:
I’m totally obsessed with…
Gold. I am in love with home and office decor in gold at the moment!
Three things in my purse right now …
Receipts I need to get rid of, granola bars (I’m sure of it. always) and earbuds
My favorite drugstore buy….
Lipstick I hardly ever wear!
My guilty pleasure is….
Wine and popcorn (yes, together 😉 )
PSST! Apply here to be featured in our How Does She Do It!