It’s time for another How Does She Do It! We are thrilled to introduce you to one of our own…..Modern Mama Director Deb Thompson from Calgary.
Every few months we’ll interview and feature a ‘Celebrity Mom’! In between we’ll feature ALL moms (You! Please apply here!) Check out all of our How Does She Do It Moms here.
Are you an Urban or Suburban Mama, where do you live?
I’m a suburban mama in Calgary with lots of trees, wildlife and a mountain view.
Tell us about your children
I have two boys. 4 and 2. Let me begin by saying I wish I knew of Modern Mama during pregnancy – I was ‘green’ to say the least.
My children are very active, bore easily, determined, most days fun and happy-go-lucky. Some moments maybe not so jolly, but overall the BEST time of my life.
Tell us about your typical weekday
I try my very best to rise and shine before my children wake. This way, the pets are fed, dishes, cleaning, laundry, exercise all done. I make breakfast and start work all before teeny voices arise from down the hall. Pre-school, play-time, crafts and reading are among the major kid-focused parts of my day. In between meals and activities, I get some work done and spend some time with my husband.
Do you have help?
I’m a full-time Mom. I’m happy and feel fortunate about the ability to combine work and raising my children side-by-side. Thank You Modern Mama!
Who cooks dinner?
I do the majority of all the cooking for my family. My husband and I have very different palettes, so there are nights when my ‘healthy’ meals need some added ‘grease’ (as he puts it) so he’ll pop out for a pizza or McDonald’s.
How often do you buy something for just you?
Hmmmm….I like BeautiControl products, so I buy it every couple of months.
Do you exercise regularly and if so, what and how do you fit it in?
I exercise every day at home. Either when I first get up or at some point during the day when I can. I thrive better combining exercise with my family and work time. Balance is the key.
What clothing lines/stores do you like to buy for your children?
H&M, Mexx, Old Navy, Children’s Place, Joe and Gap are some of my favourites.
Complete the following:
I’m totally obsessed with…
Matcha Green Tea
Three things in my purse right now …
Photos of my children, too many lip glosses and band-aids
My favorite drugstore buy….
Halle Berry Jasmine perfume
My guilty pleasure is….
Booster Juice and/or Jugo Juice smoothies
PSST! Apply here to be featured in our How Does She Do It!