Twice a month we interview Moms for our “How Does She Do It?” feature. If interested in participating please reach out on Facebook or Instagram.
We are very excited to introduce you to Carling Epp from Mission, British Columbia. Carling is a stay-at-home mom with three daughters. She is a Tupperware rep.
Are you an Urban or Suburban Mama, where do you live?
I am a suburban mama who lives in Mission, BC.
Tell us about your children?
I have three girls ages 3, 4 and 9. They are all very different personalities. My oldest is quiet, calm and loves to dance! My middle is a little tomboy that loves soccer and is very caring. My youngest is my wild child full of sass… she will be the one to give me a run for my money haha.
Tell us about your typical weekday?
My alarm goes off at 6am. I have half an hour to get myself put together before my oldest wakes up at 6:30am for her shower. At 7am chaos (aka my 4 and 3-year-old wake up) begins. I feed, clothe and get all three into the truck. I drop my oldest off at school, hit the Starbucks drive thru, and off to preschool for my 4-year-old. After I head to Strong Start with my youngest. My 4-year-old gets picked up at noon. We have lunch together and hopefully enough time to do a load of laundry or dishes or both! We try to have some down time before school pick up. After school we take the oldest to dance or Kumon. After that we start homework and have dinner. While I am making dinner hubby comes home. After dinner some days my oldest goes back to dance for another class. Other nights it’s just relax time before pajamas, story time and bed. Now I’d like to say they’re all down for the night but every night my 3-year-old finds something new to be scared of, so after some back and forth to her bedroom, we finally give in and she’s sharing our King Size bed. Few hours of zzzz before the alarm goes off and we do it all over again the next day.
Do you have help?
Hubby works longer hours but tries to be home by dinner most nights.
Who cooks dinner?
I cook throughout the week and hubby usually steps in on the weekends.
How often do you buy something just for you?
I buy myself coffee… does that count? (Yes it does)
Do you exercise regularly and if so, what and how do you fit it in?
I used to be very athletic. I used to play on a handful of Slo-Pitch teams but not so much anymore though.
What clothing lines or stores do you like to buy for your children?
My go to place is Once Upon A Child first then Marshall’s, H&M and Sportschek.
I’m totally obsessed with…
Flip flops.
Three things in my purse right now are…
- Keys
- Wallet
- Ear Plugs
My favourite drugstore buy is…
Chocolate on clearance
My guilty pleasure is…
Grey’s Anatomy and Big Brother.
Thank you to Carling Epp for taking the time out of her day to let us know “How She Does It.”
Images provided by Carling.