Twice a month we interview Mom’s in our “How Does She Do It?” feature. If interested in participating please reach out on Facebook or Instagram.
This How Does She Do It? mama is someone you will all recoginize. Lindsay is the previous owner of Modern Mama Edmonton! Since she has left Modern Mama she has pursued a career as a preschool teacher, recently starting her own business Fiddle Leaf Learning.
Be sure to follow her on Facebook and Instagram
Are you an Urban or Suburban Mama, where do you live?
Urban Mama, we live in Spruce Grove and love it.
Tell us about your children?
I have three children, Henry is nine years old and loves to give his business suggestions and advice to me. He also loves Lego; fire trucks; and Barbies. Oliver is eight years old and loves to help me with recording videos and solving tech problems (he’s our family tech support). He also loves reading Dogman and Captain Underpants; slime and goop; and soccer. Elliott is seven years old and loves to test out the preschool activities and help me make the example crafts and finished products. She also loves animals, especially dogs; stuffies; and dolls.
Tell us about your typical weekday?
I try to wake up before my kiddos so I can enjoy a coffee in peace, this is followed by waking them up and packing their lunches. They are going to in-person school because we have tried and failed with at-home learning and because their school is fantastic at keeping them safe. After I drop them off at school, I do a mix of planning future units, recording videos to correspond with those units, follow up on emails, connect with my students on Seesaw, and pack-up (and sometimes ship) out boxes. Of course, this is a selection of what I do throughout the week, not just one day. I’m a huge fan of Podcasts and Audiobooks so I can usually be found listening to one of those when my task allows. Once it’s time to pick my kids up from school, we come home and they have a snack, do their reading homework, and then can play games on electronics or watch TV. The kids are doing various activities as well and luckily those are virtual at the moment, so they do them in our living room. Once we have supper (which I make or order) we either play a board game as a family or watch a show together. Then it’s baths or showers for the kids and they are off to bed. I’m usually not far behind them but I try to catch an episode or two of whatever I’m watching first.
Do you have help?
Not really, the kids’ Dad and I are not together so the kids spend time with their Dad on weekends.
Who cooks dinner?
Almost always me or a local restaurant; my kids are efficient at making their own breakfast and love to help me whenever I’m in the kitchen!
How often do you buy something just for you?
I used to never buy things for myself, but I’ve tried to get in the habit of ordering myself flowers for my office on a regular basis, does that count?!
Do you exercise regularly and if so, what and how do you fit it in?
Yes! I have some injuries from a previous car accident, so I do low impact exercise and stretches on a daily basis; I use the app FitOn and do a mixture of Pilates, Yoga and Stretches. I fit these in whenever I remember haha, so sometimes in the morning before or after I get the kids to school or before I go to bed.
What clothing lines or stores do you like to buy for your children?
Honestly, I love thrifting and checking out secondhand stores; I find it exciting and relaxing to find great items for great prices! Since the Pandemic has started, I’ve shifted to online shopping mostly. My kids are getting into brands more and they look for Nike, Puma, Adidas and other athletic brands. I also really like H&M for all three kids and Peek-a-boo Beans for Elliott.
Three things in my purse right now are…
Masks!! Gum and a variety of lip glosses and lip balms.
My favourite drugstore buy is?
I love drug stores! I don’t know that I could narrow this down to one thing but I always check the hair care aisle to see if they have any salon brands and I always check the healthy food aisle too.
My guilty pleasure is?
Dark chocolate