How Does She Do It?…. Kathy Klassen

It’s time for another How Does She Do It! We are thrilled to introduce you to Kathy Klassen from Stony Plain, Alberta.


Are you an Urban or Suburban Mama, where do you live?

Suburban, I live in Stony Plain now. I like the small town feel but still like being pretty close to the city.

Tell us about your children

I have 2 kids, my daughter is 3 and my son is 1. Motherhood is so much of what people told me it would be, but yet so different. You really don’t know what endless sleepless nights, sick kids, first smiles, first kisses and unconditional love is like all at the same time until you experience it from your own kids.

Tell us about your typical weekday

Up at 7…the kids are my alarm clock. A few playdates per week in the AM, otherwise playtime at home. I work from home part time so afternoon is nap time for them and work time for me. Bedtime by 7:30 for them and work for me for a good few hours again. Workout in the basement. Bed by midnight for me.

Do you have help?

No help. All my family lives in Ontario and hubby works shift work, so several days a week I’m totally on my own for the day.

Who cooks dinner?

As an online health & fitness coach, it’s important for us to live a healthy lifestyle, so a lot of things are made from scratch, and take out is rare, so breakfast, lunch & dinner all made by me.

How often do you buy something for just you?

A few times a month, but it’s usually something small. I’m a huge thrift store treasure hunter, so that’s usually where I head when I have some free time.

Do you exercise regularly and if so, what and how do you fit it in?

Yes! I don’t have time for the gym, so I work out from home regularly. In the summer I got outside with the kids a lot. I started a free mommy workout group so other moms & babies could come join me and we all did it together and kept each other motivated.


What clothing lines or stores do you like to buy for your boys?

I don’t really have a preference, but I do shop used a lot…they just grow out of things so quickly, so it doesn’t make a lot of sense for me to buy new. I get a lot of hand me downs too.
I do love the Children’s Place & Joe at Superstore though, super cute stuff and great sales!

I’m totally obsessed with…

Anything pumpkin!

Three things in my purse right now …

Snacks, lip gloss and diapers.

My favorite drugstore buy…

Diapers on sale or makeup.

My guilty pleasure is….

Anything chocolate!

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