Healthy Snacking with Martin’s Apple Chips


I see a direct correlation between my habits and snacks, and what my kids want and ask for. So here I am, trying to choose fruit after lunch or dinner, instead of a chocolate or a soda. I’m not saying it’s always easy, but I do find that if I have plenty of easy options on hand like apple chips, it makes it so much easier overall.

Martin’s Apple Chips, which I have just discovered, are completely gluten-free, sugar-free, and of course, guilt-free.

I received a few flavours of Martin’s Apple Chips for my family to try and my oldest daughter has insisted I buy more for school snacks. What I love is that this snack tastes like chips but is really 100% fruit and is perfect for on-the-go.  In general, as parents, we are trying to eat better and have our kids eat better.

Martin’s Crispy Apple Chips from Martin’s Crispy Apple Chips on Vimeo.

Here are a few more tips I try to follow and teach my girls…

  1. Water, water and more water. Hydrating your body with healthy fluids is key and increasing your water intake can decrease the pounds on the scale.
  2. Don’t snack before bed. I am guilty of offering my girls bedtime snacks but as they’ve gotten older, I’m more aware of not offering sugary snacks at or near bedtime since sugar turns into fat as you sleep (and it’s not good for teeth!).
  3. Just move. I don’t “work out” but I do move on a daily basis, whether it’s just a walk or a trip to the gym, and I plan to continue to model this for my kids. Right now they may have extra curricular activities and gym class at school, but they need to see Mom & Dad moving as they age too!



*This post is sponsored by Martin’s Apple Chips. All opinions are my own, as always.

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