It’s time for another How Does She Do It! We are thrilled to introduce you to Meaghan Lussier from La Salle, Manitoba.
Every few months we’ll interview and feature a ‘Celebrity Mom’! In between we’ll feature ALL moms (You! Please apply here!) Check out all of our How Does She Do It Moms here.
Are you an Urban or Suburban Mama, where do you live?
I am a suburban Mama and live 10 minutes outside of Winnipeg, Manitoba in a town called La Salle. Both my husband and I grew up in small towns, so it is a great fit for us.
Tell us about your children
I have two children – my son is almost 4 and my daughter is almost 2 (both March babies). They keep us on our toes!
Tell us about your typical weekday
My weekdays differ, based on my kids’ schedules. Vincent has started preschool two afternoons per week, so on those days, I’m doing the carpool! I have two days per week scheduled for work (Time For Bed Sleep Solutions and one full day that I spend with the kids – you’ll usually find us at the library in the morning and then meeting my husband for lunch!
Do you have help?
Our kids go to daycare two days per week. Those are my designated work days to schedule client calls, work on marketing or prepare plans for my clients. I usually sneak some house cleaning or grocery shopping into those days as well – it’s so much easier to do those things without the kids in the house! We are also very lucky to have Grandparents close by who can fill in or give my husband and I a date night out/vacation away when we need it!
Who cooks dinner?
I do – I focus on serving well balanced meals for our entire family
How often do you buy something for just you?
Not as often as I used to! It’s interesting how when kids come into the picture, you focus on everyone else’s needs before your own! I like to sneak something in for myself at least once per month – a new blouse for work or something new from the MAC counter!
Do you exercise regularly and if so, what and how do you fit it in?
I try to go to an exercise class at least once per week and then will aim to hit the treadmill whenever I can in the evenings. It depends on my motivation level that particular week!
What clothing lines/stores do you like to buy for your children?
I have great luck at Old Navy, GAP and Carters for my kids – I watch for sales and try and stock up when I can. They are growing like weeds!
Complete the following:
I’m totally obsessed with…
I’m totally obsessed with…Sour Candies, Pedicures (I would have one every week if I could) and Scandal – I look forward to TV on Thursday night!
Three things in my purse right now …
Hot Wheel cars, an empty fruit snack package and lip balm.
My favorite drugstore buy….
Vichy Normaderm 3 In 1 – Cleanser, Scrub & Mask. I use it at least once per week as a mask and it leaves my skin feeling great.
My guilty pleasure is….
Popcorn – buttered of course!
PSST! Apply here to be featured in our How Does She Do It!