I am not a foodie. I don’t enjoy cooking. I put food in the fridge and on the table simply because I must. Okay, well that’s not entirely true, some things I do enjoy in the kitchen are making special breakfasts on the weekends for the kids, baking with the girls from time to time, and definitely enjoying the end result: a good meal with my family.
So being a Sunday, I felt the need to plan out my week a little better than I have been. Plus, I’m very tired of my current rotation of dinners.
Pinterest is the gem of the Internet for finding resources for meal planning. Discovering new blogs and sites are fun and a great way to get inspired to try new meals.
First of all, I went in search of a meal planning template to help me make a schedule for the coming week. Here is a fantastic list of free printables from A Thrifty Mrs.
Then I browsed some recipe sites, Pinterest feeds and my own foody boards and came up with 4 new meals I want to make this week (well, maybe not new, but things I haven’t made in a while.):
- Jamie Oliver’s Salmon with green beans (this is not the original recipe I follow but the only one I could find referencing Jamie Oliver’s from my cookbook)
- Spaghetti with meatballs
- Fish tacos
- Tortilla Soup
are all on my list for this week. I then made a grocery list using my phone (always use my notes app on my iPhone for this, what do you use?) and I’m set! Every day this week is accounted for. I never plan for Friday nights because we usually eat out on Fridays, and weekends are fair game for leftovers or take-out.
There are tons of resources out there, from clean eating:
to just beautiful sites like The Kitchn:
Do you have a favourite food, recipe or meal planning site? Do share!