Feeding Baby

3 Tips To Make Feeding Baby Simple

Being able to sit down as a family to eat is one of the best ways to bond. Having a baby at the table though that can be a little harder to do. It can be all but peaceful at a table with a baby…

meal planning

Meal Planning Made Easy with These Apps

As a busy mom, sometimes finding the time to prepare and plan, let alone actually make all meals, can seem difficult, if not impossible. That’s where meal planning comes in. What is Meal Planning? Meal planning is a way to organize all the meal ideas. The…


Reset your Family’s Healthy Lifestyle with these 6 Easy Tips

By: Kathy Klassen In my previous article I talked about the crazy obesity crisis and how we NEED to teach our kids early about the importance of choosing to live healthy. I realize that not everyone knows what that means exactly, or where to start so…


Meal Planning Made Easy

I am not a foodie. I don’t enjoy cooking. I put food in the fridge and on the table simply because I must.  Okay, well that’s not entirely true, some things I do enjoy in the kitchen are making special breakfasts on the weekends for…