5 Apps To Help You Meal Plan

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Meal planning for your family is quite a big task but with a little help from some amazing apps you can make it a lot simpler. We decided to do some extensive research and find the 5 apps to help you meal plan with ease from here on out. With these apps we hope to make your meal planning experience way easier on you and your wallet.


If you are someone with a lot of recipes then this app is a great way for you to build and organize your recipe collection digitally. You can finally start condensing that recipe book collection by importing your own and other amazing recipes you have found inside each book. Helping you eliminate your massive book collection and open up some much needed space in your home. This app will also let you create and share meal plans and help you compile grocery lists of exactly what you need based on the recipes you choose out of your collection that week. When you go to make your recipe you can even put your phone in “cook mode” preventing your devices screen from going black while your hands are dirty.


Another free app that will help you if you are in need of a complete menu overhaul. Giving you a great selection of recipes to work with. Being able to have everything working from one place where everyone can access it, is a great way to help you bring life back to your previous meal plan. Bigoven is a great source of information and they even take it up a notch with their “use leftovers” options. Helping you get the most out of all the food you are buying and ensuring you have little to no food waste.

meal plan

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Love Food Hate Waste

If you are always creating a little more food at meal times than you usually need then you might need this great app. Love Food Hate Waste is a great app that has a full recipe database that uses nothing but leftovers, helping you reduce or eliminate food waste in your home. This also a great thing to consider when it comes meal planning in general. If you know you are going to be cooking a large piece of meat that week you can easily use this app to help you make the leftovers from that meal stretch as far as possible! Your kids don’t even need to know that you have re-purposed the leftovers for a whole new meal idea!

La La Lunchbox 

Tired of battling your kids everyday with the “what’s for lunch?” question? Then La La Lunchbox needs to be put on everyone’s device right away! This amazing app not only helps you find lunch ideas your kids will actually eat it gets them involved in choosing what they want. It is the perfect way to stop the lunch time whining or lunch boxes always coming home filled with food no one wanted to eat. Giving your kids choices from a parent approved food list gives them just the right amount of input to start getting them to eat everything you’ve taken the time to pack. No more lunch arguments and a lot more peace of mind for you.


This app is a great idea for big families who need to have multiple members accessing the family shopping list. In turn allowing them to add to the list as well as shop if needed at anytime. Keeping this app up to date makes it easy for everyone in your household know what needs to be picked up at the store. A great way to even keep large groups of roommates on the same page when it comes to the shopping needs. Also another great place to share recipes you want to try with the whole house.

Keeping your families meal plan and food budget on track has never been so easy!

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