On Wednesday September 25 we partnered with Kingsway Mall and Urban Infant to present a Cover Photo Contest; we had three professional photographers on site to photograph the participants in hopes of their photo being selected for the cover of Urban Infant. It was wonderful to see all of the beautiful children who came to Kingsway to have their photo taken, although not everyone was thrilled to sit for the photographers. We were so happy to have Olga from Kokoo Design Photography; Helga from Helga Himer Photography; and Corry-Lyn from As Eye See It Images on site to photograph all of our cover photo contestants.
One photo of each child will be posted on Facebook prior to the winner being announced so you can follow us (Modern Mama & Urban Infant) to see all of those beautiful faces. The winning photo will be featured on a winter issue of Urban Infant so keep an eye out for that as well!
Thank you to everyone who participated and to our wonderful photographers!
Olga from Kokoo Design Photography
Contact: kokoodp@yahoo.com or call 780-566-8754
Helga from Helga Himer Photography
Contact: info@helgaphotography.com or call (780) 271-5468
Corry-Lyn from As Eye See It Images
Contact: photographybyasiseeit@gmail.com or phone 780-915-6006.