Review: BabyMoov Diaper Bag

Photo 2013-10-28 11 42 00


As a new mom, you realize very quickly that your tiny little bundle of joy requires about 100 times it’s weight in “stuff” when leaving the house. From stroller to car seat and blankets to burp cloths, these tiny precious babies take up quite a bit of room.

Enter the Diaper Bag. If there is one thing a new mom needs it’s a versatile, easy to carry diaper bag. Of course, add style to that list because truly, gone are the days when diaper bags only came in waterproof/plastic pastel colours with hideous elasticized outside pockets. Can you tell I despised my diaper bag from the 80’s?

You will then understand why I was so happy to be chosen as a Diaper Bag tester for Caribou Distribution. When my test bag arrived, I was quite content with my handy little over the shoulder bag as I felt I was able to easily transport baby S’s items complete with a full extra change of clothes, 6 diapers, wipes and creams. However, as he became older and the weather became colder, I realized not only did I require more articles of clothing, but everything was bigger and took up that much more space. My husband was begging me to find a new bag and voila, at my doorstep the BabyMoov Free Hand Changing Bag appeared.

What first caught my eye were the accessories included in the bag. Not only did it have a large inner compartment, but it had within it a small, cozy fleece blanket, an insulated bag for food storage (large enough to carry bottles as well as food containers), a couple clear plastic zip lock bags plus a pacifier pouch. All the items fit comfortably inside the bag plus matched each other so it made me appear completely put together no matter if I had to return inside the house a few times because my Mommy Brain had me forgetting everything from a jacket (for myself of course, because our children come first and we seem to forget that we too need to appear presentable) to the keys. Rightly so this made for a very happy Mama as everything had its place and made me look put together. Even the dirties: see 2 clear plastic bags mentioned above.

But most important would be the actual test drive out in the real world. On our first trip out with our new handy dandy bag I was extremely excited to attach my new bag to my stroller. My simple shoulder bag never had that capability so this was a real treat. I seemed to have everything at my fingertips, which again made me look real good and organized 😉 Next up was trying out the removable changing pad. Yes, Baby S had to give me a REAL good reason to test this out and I have to say it totally passed the test. The cute images depicting the baby’s head, hands and feet on the inside of the pad made me laugh and think “perhaps this bag was made for a dad???”. Having a special compartment for a diaper and wipes built right in made this diaper change a record breaker as I saved myself plenty of time opening zippers and pouches to get to our goods in our previous bag. Finally, was the runway walk test. I placed my new stylish bag over my shoulder and strutted my stuff down the hall. Considering all the goods contained within it was quite comfy and didn’t seem to cut into my shoulder at all. Even when I reached the end of the hall, did the classic 360 turn, switched from shoulder bag to handbag, it was effortless and smooth. This bag was not only functional but stylish and easy to use as well.

Please follow the link to our sponsored giveaway from our friends at Cariboo Distribution to enter for your chance to win your very own BabyMoov Diaper Bag. Good Luck!

This post was sponsored by Cariboo Distribution. Product was supplied for review. The opinions and comments are solely my own.

CaribooBaby BabyMoovImageCariboo Distribution serves hundreds of retailers across Canada and distributes 5 major brands: Babymoov (France), Simply Good (Israel), Baby K’tan (USA), Nattou (Belgium) and The Shrunks (Canada). Most Canadian retailers carry products from at least one of their brands. In just 4 short years, Cariboo Distribution is quickly becoming a well-known and respected supplier in Canada. For more information go to their website or Facebook page.

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