Here’s our latest feature How Does She Do It! We are thrilled to introduce you to Sara Allen from Mission, British Columbia.
Every few months we’ll interview and feature a ‘Celebrity Mom’! In between we’ll feature ALL moms (You! Please apply here!)
Are you an Urban or Suburban Mama, where do you live?
Suburban Mom! Mission, British Columbia.
Tell us about your children (how many, how old?)
I have a son 4 1/2, a daughter 2 1/2 and we’re expecting our third in November.
I love being a mother. This role I am so fortunate to be in has taught me about the importance of raising these little humans to be amazing members of society. The heart bursting love that grows with each stage but also the daily challenges that test your limits! I was fortunate to be home with the first two but with this one I’ll be a working mom as I am an owner/operator of a large children’s second hand retail business in Abbotsford called ʺOnce Upon A Childʺ.
Tell us about your typical weekday.
A typical week for me is busy. I work at our store usually five days a week. My hours are all over the place. I can be there for six or twelve hours. I mix in the typical ʺmom dutiesʺ like grocery shopping, chores, kid/family activities, daycare drop offs/pick ups, swim lessons, and get togethers with other friends that have children.
Do you have help?
The kids go to daycare three days a week plus Daddy is extremely hands on.
Who cooks dinner?
We both do although take out or going out for dinner happens often…a little too often! We have a great market that does healthy meals that I like to stop at when in heading home for the day.
How often do you buy something for just you?
I am terrible at buying myself anything however I try to do something for myself as often as possible. I like to sneak away for a pedicure or coffee.
Do you exercise regularly and if so, what and how do you fit it in?
Does running back and forth all day long count? I was an avid gym goer until we got busy with our store back in October and I haven’t quite fit it back in to my routine. I plan to get back into it once baby is here! As a family we get out for activities that involve moving our bodies. Healthy eating is something that’s a lifestyle for our family that helps keep us on track.
What clothing lines/stores do you like to buy for your child(ren)?
I love Gap. I just find the quality is great and the styles are so cute and trendy. It’s a great second hand item find. You know if you find that gem, it doesn’t look completely worn out after washing it over and over.
Complete the following:
I’m totally obsessed with…my daily lattes… I am very specific about my espresso.
Three things in my purse right now …phone, schedule book and toothbrush.
My favorite drugstore buy is…..chapstick
My guilty pleasure is….Strawberry milkshakes with whip!!
Thank you!
PSST! Apply here to be featured in our How Does She Do It!