Small Business Sunday with Ever After Character Company

Princesses from Frozen

We are currently in the thick of staying-at-home and focusing on social distancing. This is a very challenging time for so many people and so many small businesses. We love supporting local and wanted to do our part in showcasing some fantastic small businesses every week.

Ever After Character Company LogoThis week we are interviewing the Ever After Character Company. They are a small business run by two best friends, Emily & Pauline. They host parties in Chilliwack, BC. When they started the company in 2015 with The Snow Sisters characters, they thought they would just be doing a few parties here and there… boy, were they WRONG! It wasn’t long before they started to call in their other theatre friends to help out with the demand. Fast-forward to 5 years later… and they have OVER 20 characters on their roster! They love what they do SO very much, and they are always very excited to see little faces light up with joy when they call on the magic mirror, or visit in person. Due to the current covid-19 flu situation they are not currenly attending parties, but if interested in hosting one in the future they do sell gift certificates.

Ever After Character Company's Belle

What is unique about your business or What made you choose this type of business?

I feel like this business chose us! Both Pauline and myself have been acting and singing in musical theatre productions since we were kids, and when we were given the opportunity to bring a little princess magic to a pancake breakfast, we jumped at the chance. We focus on making a connection with the kids we meet at parties, and making them feel special. It’s amazing that we get to sing and have fun… and call it work!

What is your favourite small business (aside from your own)?

There are so many amazing small businesses in our community, so it’s really hard to pick just one! We have been doing some amazing work with Katie McKay at What’s On Chilliwack lately though! She’s taken the recent shake-up that’s happened in the event industry really well! Right now, she’s working on converting her What’s On Chilliwack Magazine to an online format, and using it to feature all the wonderful virtual events that are keeping us connected during these uncertain times.

If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?

Know your worth! It sounds cliche, but that’s such an important part of it. Starting a business has been much more self exploratory than I thought it would be, and it’s taught me that knowing your worth is priceless.

Ever After Character Company's Ariel

What are your long term business goals?

We recently moved from our townhouse into a house with a lovely back yard. I would LOVE to get to a point where we can build a little photo & video studio in our back yard for the princesses.

What is your funniest/weirdest/most memorable experience with a customer or client?

Our princesses have experienced a LOT of hilarious things along the way! The most memorable one that I think I’ve experienced is when five of us were at an event and a little girl took the time to tell each princess about the lessons that she had learned from their stories. Kids really pick up on a lot more than we give them credit for, and you could tell that she had really gotten to the heart of what each princess’s story was all about.

Images from Sarah Sovereign Photography

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