It’s hard to believe that we have already reached the end of August and for many of us, that means our kiddos are going back to school soon – very, very, soon! But Summer isn’t over just yet and so we are making the most of our last week before school with a half day Pedalheads Camp, bowling with Grandma, checking out new parks and going for lunch as a fam!
My boys love riding their bikes, with training wheels but learning how to brake properly, controlled riding and ditching the training wheels are all things we’ve been working on and struggling with this summer. I’m just as excited about this camp as the boys are; I’m thinking a professional should be able to teach them these skills in a the last week before school and I won’t have to stress about it anymore. Luckily for us, we live really close to school so they boys just might ride to school on two wheels instead of four!
If you are wanting to squeeze your kiddos into a camp before summer wraps up, there is still time! Oh and the best part, there are locations all over Edmonton (and surrounding areas) so you can pick the location that is most convenient to you!
Head to Pedalheads to find all of the information you need and to register! AND if biking isn’t really something your kiddos are interested in, check out the Swimming & Superhero Camps that are offered as well.
For those who aren’t familiar with Pedalheads, it is a learn to ride bike program for kids 2-12 years old; this program is divided into much smaller categories to ensure that children are all learning on the same level. The classes are divided by age/skill and you can find more details on them right here:
– Riding Rookies is for 2-year-olds who are just starting out (parents are required to stay)
– Trikes ‘N’ Trainers is for children age 3 or 4 years old who are on bikes with training wheels or tricycles
– Balance Bikers is for children age 3 or 4 years who prefer to ride a balance bike
– Level 1: Newbies is for children age 4 or older who are riding a two wheel bike with training wheels. This level builds on your child’s biking skills – practing safety, steering, stopping and riding smoothly. If you child is ready, they will also learn to ride without their training wheels.
– Level 2: Advanced Newbies is for children age 4 or older who are riding a two wheel bike on their own, they must be able to ride a minimum of 5 metres on their own. In this class they will learn to master more complex skills such as maneuvering and controlled riding, shoulder checks, helmet safety, and more.
– Level 3: Pedalheads is for children age 4 or older who can ride a two wheel bike (without training wheels) for a minimum of 15 metres on their own, in a straight line. They will also be required to stop and start on their own and complete a simple salom course. The goal of this level is to build on your child’s skills: improve bike control, riding in a group, shoulder checking, hand signals and navigating mock intersections. Great lessons to learn the last week before school!
– Level 4: Advanced Pedalheads is for children age 6 or older who can shoulder check while riding in a straight line, hold a hand signal for three seconds (while in a straight line), and ride in a straight line for a minimum of 20 metres without assistance. In this level your child will learn road riding skills (on site and off site), improve their group riding and single file riding skills, improve their knowledge of bike safety and road hazards and learn about bike maintence.
– Level 5: Gearheads is for children (age 6 and older) who have successfully passed the Level 4: Advanced Pedalheads course and who can meet the requirements to move on.
You can find more information on all of the above levels as well as Level 6: Treadheads, Level 7: Shockheads, Level 8: Crankheads and information on private lessons at after all the last week before school is always the toughtest!
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*Image Courtesy of Shutterstock*
**I did receive a Pedalheads program credit in exchange for sharing this post, however, all opinions and views expressed above are my own**