Scent triggers memories, it’s a fact. Do you have scented memories of childhood specifically tied to a certain smell?
I do.
I think of my mom cleaning the house, our first family home, when I smell lemon-scented cleaning products. My mom stayed home and took care of the house and us when I was young. She mopped the floors when we were at school but I could always tell when I got home from school if she’d had a cleaning day.
She baked a lot too. She always baked buns from scratch for us, and pies, muffins, and cookies. In fact, recalling all of this now is making me feel guilty for not baking enough for my girls.
I think of staying home from school sick when I smell a freshly baked chocolate pie. I have one memory of my mom offering me chocolate pie when I was home with a bad tummy ache. I don’t recall if chocolate pie helped my stomach feel better or not, but it’s a warm happy memory nonetheless.
I have fond friendship memories when I smell Lipton Chicken Noodle Soup. There was one friend of mine who always made it every single time we would get together. I still message her sometimes when I’m eating it with my kids.
Oranges smell like Florida to me, reminding me of a family trip there when I was about 10 years old. We visited an orchard where oranges are grown and the whole place smelled amazing!
I consciously make an effort to keep bad smells out of the house. When I recently made fish tacos for dinner, I was very turned off by the smell, so I ran our Dyson air purifier for some time. But when I grabbed the new Lavender Clean scented pine-sol to wipe down the counters and dinner table, I was immediately grateful for that fresh calming smell. I want my girls to grow up having good scent memories too.
I want my girls to grow up having good scent memories too. So here are some of the things I do to keep the house smelling fresh.
I love the new scents from Pine-Sol including Spring Blossom and Lavender Clean.
Open a few windows throughout the house to let fresh air in.
In a small pot, add some water with orange or lemon slices and herbs like lavender or mint and simmer for a while. The heat will cause the smell to waft through the entire house.
Who doesn’t love the smell of baked cinnamon buns or cookies! If you’re not a baker, the pre-made ready to bake options at the grocery store are perfectly fine!
Run a lemon or baking soda through the garburator with plenty of water.
*Sponsored by Pine-Sol