By: Naomi Maharaj In my first year as a parent I was always worried about if I was doing things ‘right’. Was I helping my baby get to sleep in a productive manner? Was I following an appropriate feeding schedule for his age? Was I…
Read More...{Series} Parenting Quiz Part 5: What kind of mom are you?
By: Naomi Maharaj Think you have this parenting thing down to a science? You handle messes, tiffs, and tears without a bat of an eyelash? Or are you constantly second guessing yourself? Reading parenting books and trying to decide what parenting style you want to…
Read More...{Series} Parenting Quiz #4: How do you plan meals for your kids
By: Naomi Maharaj Think you have this parenting thing down to a science? You handle messes, tiffs, and tears without a bat of an eyelash? Or are you constantly second guessing yourself; reading parenting books and trying to decide which parenting style you want to…
Read More...{Series} Parenting Quiz # 3: Helping Baby Sleep
By: Naomi Maharaj Think you have this parenting thing down to a science? You handle messes, tiffs, and tears without a bat of an eyelash? Or are you constantly second guessing yourself? Reading parenting books and trying to decide what parenting style you want to…
Read More...{Series} Parenting Quiz #2: Introducing Sweets
By: Naomi Maharij Think you have this parenting thing down to a science? You handle messes, tiffs, and tears without a bat of an eyelash? Or are you constantly second guessing yourself? Reading parenting books and trying to decide what parenting style you want to…
Read More...{Series} Parenting Quiz #1
By: Naomi Maharaj Think you have this parenting thing down to a science? You handle messes, tiffs, and tears without a bat of an eyelash? Or are you constantly second guessing yourself? Reading parenting books and trying to decide what parenting style you want to implement?…
Read More...Introducing Round 3: Spring 2014 Feature Writers
Whew! We’ve done it! We’ve sorted through all the applications and have come up with the final list of our brand new feature writers here on Modern Mama. It wasn’t easy to be sure but anything worth having is always hard work, right mama? Did…