Fall has officially begun, but Summer sunshine and warm(er) weather is here for this final weekend of September 2013. Make the most of this time with your family and enjoy the rays, just make sure you keep your sunscreen handy because although it may not be burning hot, those rays will still cause some UV damage to our skin.
Jr. Jays Saturday Rogers Centre
This is the LAST weekend in the 2013 season to enjoy the festivities. Each Jr. Jays Saturday kids can visit one of our Jr. Jays Zones located on the concourse. Kids can take part in many fun activities to keep them entertained all game long!
Canada’s Baking and Sweets Show Toronto Congress Centre
The ultimate sweet tooth event; a guilt-free “Day-Off” from watching the line to experience everything that’s decadent and delicious.
Born to be Wild Ontario Science Center
Born to be Wild is an inspiring story of love, dedication and the remarkable bond between humans and animals. This film documents orphaned orangutans and elephants and the extraordinary people who rescue and raise them – saving endangered species one life at a time.
Pumpkinland and Harvest Festival Whittamore’s Farm
Enjoy a family outing on a crisp Autumn day in the country at Whittamore’s Farm. At this time, our farm is transformed into a Hallowe’en wonderland of 1,000’s of pumpkins and great activities for the whole family.
The Road to Jello Town Miles Nadal JCC
The Road to Jellotown continues the Family Fun Series. This World Music Safari Adventure show travels backwards and forwards through time to gain clues to the lost location of Jellotown. We discover the oldest drumson the planet and the latest instrument inventions. This show educates audiences on the use of percussion in histories past and future.