5 Healthy Back to School Breakfast Recipes

Strawberry Banana Muffins from Kim's Cravings

Getting your kids ready for back to school doesn’t just mean clothes and supply shopping, it also means making sure they have everything they need to start their day right. Making the time to give them more than a bowl of cereal on most days seems impossible so we collected a few great recipes to help you create some amazing breakfasts with minimal effort. Some of these recipes will even be perfect for those teens of yours to make all on their own.

Ham and Cheese French Toast Roll Ups from RecipeTin Eats

Ham and Cheese French Toast Roll Ups from RecipeTin Eats

When sweet just isn’t up your kids alley first thing in the morning these are a great savory and filling option anyone can make. Easy to put together, and quick to cook these are a great idea if you need to feed the masses fast. You can easily prep everything the night before and have a batch made for all the little ones before you have to wake them up to get ready. You might even have time to feed yourself!

Vegan Breakfast Cookies from Cooking by Laptop

Vegan Breakfast Cookies from Cooking By Laptop

Now if you have kids that seem impossible to feed first thing in the morning. Who just can’t seem to find any get up and go then something more enticing might be in order. Cookies, cookies for breakfast. I know not what you think we would suggest but these amazing vegan breakfast cookies are so delicious and super good for you. Ironically an amazing way to start your day – especially if you are in a rush and need to eat in the car.

Freezer Egg Sandwiches from SheKnows

Freezer Egg Sandwiches from SheKnows

Now when you know you are going to be faced with a week of rushing around and early sports meets then having some breakfasts ready to go is going to be a life saver. You also have to make sure that they are also filling enough, especially for those active early rising sport kids. These are the perfect solution for busy mornings, everyone will be full and happy while you get to drive past those fast food spots on the way knowing you have fed your kids a better option!

Strawberry Banana Muffins from Kim’s Cravings

Strawberry Banana Muffins from Kim’s Cravings 

When you just want a breakfast of fruit but you are still too busy making a batch of these beauties could be just what you need. These are also a great thing to add to lunches for everyone in the family. You will feel great knowing that they are eating something delicious and good for them. You might just get hooked on these that you will want to make a triple batch, share with friends or even freeze for later on when you don’t have time to make a batch.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Pancakes from Olive and Mango

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Pancakes from Olive and Mango

With Fall just around the corner pumpkin everything is gong to be everywhere and this is one of those pumpkin recipes you will want to dive into. These pumpkin chocolate chip pancakes are a brilliant way to start your day. Pumpkin is good for you and your kids will be asking for many many servings. Start Fall and the school year off right with this amazing morning send off! Serve with a little fresh fruit and you have the perfect decadent breakfast.

What are some of your families favorite ways to start the day?

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