As soon as your little one first reaches your arms you have nurses, doctors and midwives all helping you to breastfeed your new babe. Of course this is harder for some mothers than others, sometimes one of the best ways to promote a bigger supply is all in what you eat. We decided that we would ask all you mama experts for your favorite lactation recipes so we could create the ultimate list of recipes that don’t only help, but taste great.
Chocolate Banana Boobie Smoothie by Stay at Home Mum
There is no question that chocolate and motherhood survival go hand in hand. They are essential to a happy mommy which is why this was one of the highest suggested recipes I received. It is filled with milk creating goodness and of course delicious chocolate. With only seven ingredients it is simple for anyone to whip up for you; so make sure you bookmark this for later.
Pumpkin Spice Lactation Cookies by Premeditated Leftovers
Not everyone loves pumpkin spice but for those of us that do and are in need of a little extra help in the boobie milk department; these are your ideal cookie. These healthy little cookies are also great for making in advance and freezing so you can don’t have to make a batch every week. You can easily double or triple the batch and freeze half once they’re all cooked. Since these cookies do have yeast in them, make sure to freeze after the cooking process.

Photo by Cocina Monologues [SOURCE]
If you are looking for some great ways to use up that pumpkin you have on hand, while still breastfeeding your little one, this recipe is for you. These super easy mix and cook bars are a great way to bring on your milk supply. This is also a great recipe to cook up and bring to your friend who just had a baby. The simple process makes this a great recipe for even the most sleep deprived member of your family to make. Throw a batch of these in the oven and boost that milk!
Blueberry Milk Boosting Muffins by Bun Maternity
All new moms need to be able to eat at the drop of a hat. Since mom and baby are still trying to figure their schedule out with one another breakfast for mom might start at 4am. No mom should have to make a whole breakfast when their schedule is that our of order and they are so tired. Making sure a nice batch of milk boosting muffins on hand for her to eat without thinking at any hour can be a heaven send. Bringing a basket of these to your new mom friend might just make her cry.

Photo by Natural Parents Network [SOURCE]
For the ladies who just aren’t craving something sweet and really need something salty and bacon related these are your ticket. These Bacon Cheddar lactation muffins are just what you need to cut that salty craving. These are perfect for anyone’s breakfast which means even hubby wont mind making them if it means you’ll happily share.
Rocky Road Lactation Brownies by Mama’s Heels
This was the second highest recommended lactation recipes that all of you moms said you still make! These ooey gooey crunchy bites from heaven are amazing for any milk-making-mama. Jam packed with Fenugreek and fennel they are exactly what you need to ensure a great milk supply. Granted you might want to reduce the amount of fennel depending on taste as some moms suggested but the recipe is perfect for adapting! Of course if you are hunting for something a little easier, then try out this recipe!

Photo by Today’s Parent [SOURCE]
This recipe was the most highly suggested for working moms trying to keep up their supply. This delicious salad recipe gives you loads of calcium and omega-3 which is proven to help with your milk production. A great idea for your packed work lunch or if you need to ensure you have something to eat while on the go. It is a great hearty meal that will give you the boost you need for a night of feedings!
Now these looks delicious! Would highly recommend this to my nursing mommy friends, they would totally enjoy these recipes. Thanks for sharing this Eschelle!