Carrotlines nutrition app review

CarrotlinesHave you heard of top Canadian nutrition app, CarrotLines?

It’s a great app that helps you make healthier choices by simply scanning the barcode on your food products. They’ve have just released a new version with Tommy Europe – the very well known Canadian Fitness trainer you may recognize as the tough love TV host of “The Last 10 lbs Bootcamp” and “The Bulging Brides” on Slice Network.

This new app – CarrotLines Powered by Tommy Europe App – has amazing features that will help you stay fit andhealthy. I love that it’s a Canadian app made for Canadians!

Some cool features:

  • I can easily browse or search for products by attribute or keyword
  • After scanning I know exactly how close a product meets my profile
  • There are over 40 attributes in the profile section ranging from low in fat to vegan, gluten free, and Madein Canada. So, definitely something for everyone!I can access information on over 40,000 Canadian grocery food products; I know that the CarrotLinesteam works hard to ensure information is complete and accurate so if something doesn’t come up, besure to take photos to help them out!
  • I can easily share products with my friends via twitter and facebook
  • I can create a healthier shopping list before entering the store
  • Exclusive deals, and offers from health and fitness brands including from The Healthy Shopper
  • The exclusive Tommy Europe fitness and nutrition content is engaging and easy to watch

Step 1: Set up your profile


Step 2: Scan your favourite food


Step 3: It doesn’t completely fit my nutrition profile (not low sodium or low carb):

fave soup

I like that it’s simple and easy to use! Get yours today.

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