Sephora Event Wrap-up!


On February 19th Modern Mama hosted over 40 mamas for our first Beauty Basics at Sephora Event in Vancouver. It was a fantastic morning filled with expert beauty advice and some shopping therapy. Here are some highlights from the morning!

Modern Mama owner Connie Peters addresses the crowd!

Joyce Lau, owner of Yummy Mummy Makeovers talks about the importance of colour and her tips on how to make shopping fast: 1. Know your colours 2. Know what fits (and what doesn’t) 3. Know your price range

Sephora expert Ann demos some recommended skincare products for busy mamas.

A few memorable Sephora tips and products:
– Our Sephora experts quoted a stat that says for every night you go to bed with your make-up on, you age your skin 3 days.
– The key to having your eye make-up stay fresh all day is using an eyeshadow primer. They recommend the Urban Decay Primer.
– The Sephora ladies and our friend Swank Mama were huge fans of the Tarte Gifted Amazonian Clay Smart Mascara, which is all natural, chemical free, and effective!
– The Vitamin C Truth Serum Collagen Booster by Ole Henriksen is a beautiful product to help boost your skin’s natural luster. Vitamin C is fantastic for your skin and this is a pure and natural form.

Lots of treats for the mamas. Thanks to Cobs on Davie St. for the pastries and Tim Horton’s Pacific Centre for the coffee!

Mama and baby shopping after the event.

Thanks again to everyone for joining us at this event! It was such a big hit that we’re planning another one for May – stay tuned for details.


  1. 1

    Angie, would you plan the next sephora event at Coquitlam centre? this would allow lower mainland moms to attend. i would. 🙂

    • 2

      Hi Sophia! Our next Sephora event will be in late May, but it will still be at Pacific Centre I’m afraid. If we go out to Coquitlam one day we’ll let you know!


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