Top 5 Around TO


What a week! Beautiful skies, crisp breezes and fabulous get togethers for our little ones. Do you have any dedicated plans for the long weekend? Seeing as this is my son’s First Thanksgiving, we have decided to truly celebrate it Canadian style, with an American flavor. Thanksgiving has always been about family and sharing our time together as well as our favourite recipes. Having our son has brought us a lovely extension to our family that we like to call our “Canadian Family”. We would like to wish all our friends, family and especially our Canadian Family a truly memorable, relaxed, and belly busting Thanksgiving!!!

Comic Arts for Kids Oct. 12 1:00 – 4:00 North York Central Library

To celebrate Kids Can Press‘s 40th birthday, the Concourse of North York Central Library is being transformed into a DIY Comics Lab for a whole afternoon! Between a special presentation by Ashley Spires and a Bigfoot Story and Sighting by J Torres, readers of all ages can make buttons, a birthday card for Kids Can, contribute to giant comic panels, enter a rafffle for cool prizes, and hang out at the Little Island Comics Pop-up Shop.

Toronto Chocolate Festival Oct. 12 through Nov. 3 Various locations

Calling Chocolate Lovers! Toronto is set once again to become a Chocolate coated metropolis as delicious events celebrate EVERYTHING CHOCOLATE. As a Toronto city-wide event, the 2013 Toronto CHOCOLATE FESTIVAL, is back for its eighth year. This is the event where CHOCOLATE is featured in all its magnificent and tasty forms. THE TORONTO CHOCOLATE FESTIVAL 2013 will once again present several delectable, delicious and simply decadent events including some new ones.

Let Us Give Thanks Oct. 12 12:30-2:00 The Petits Chef Academy

Spend time with your loved one’s, enjoying each other’s company, bonding over the traditions of cooking and baking in a warm kitchen.  What better way to do that then to stir up some fun with The Petits Chef Academy.  They’ll provide all the supplies and gladly clean up the mess! Make your own pies and candy apples and take them home for Thanksgiving.

HarbourKIDS Thanksgiving Oct. 14 The Harbour Front

Bring the kids to a world of good at Harbourfront Centre Thanksgiving Monday. Featuring a full day of family fun, including concerts, films and crafts.

Harvest Festival  Sept. 21 through Oct. 27 10:00-4:00 including Thanksgiving Monday Springridge Farm.

Enjoy the bakery, farm market and gift shop at no charge. Bring your camera down for some great fall shots with your little one and perhaps step in front of the camera to have a wonderful family photo memory for years to come. Various Harvest activities held throughout the day.




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