Welcoming a new baby into the world is a very special time and as parents we want to celebrate this new life in the best way possible. These days there are so many new ways to do this that it can make your head spin. So us here at Modern Mama thought we would compile the big list of ways to celebrate your new baby!
“Dip-a-Stick” or “Pee Stick Party”
One of the newest trends out there for couples trying to conceive in the digital age. Most of these parties are held in a virtual platform gathering friends and loved ones for the big moment. Those nail biting two minutes waiting to see what your pregnancy test will read. A new way to gather support and positive thoughts on your journey to motherhood.
Classic Baby Shower
We all know the classic baby shower recipe. Lots of themed food, drinks from baby bottles, chocolate smeared diapers and bow hats. This timeless tradition is usually female only but men are known to be active, though not always willing, participants. Usually paired with a gift registry having a larger emphasis on material gifts – we think this is the perfect party for the first time mom. Every mom should have this type of classic baby shower at least once.
Baby Sprinkle
If the large parade of a classic baby shower seems like too much for you then a “Baby Sprinkle” might be exactly what you need. A more intimate affair the baby sprinkle is perfect for the 2nd or 3rd time mom. Guest list is usually smaller and not solely female, and need for gift giving isn’t a focus. Usually guests at these types of events will pool in for one big ticket item mom would never buy herself, only for mom gifts, or just well wishes.
Big Gender Reveals
What used to be done as family only thing is starting to turn into big family events. Especially for parents with multiples this can be a great way to celebrate a new baby in a fun way with your whole extended family. Aunts, uncles, cousins, sisters, brothers, girlfriends and neighbors all gather for the big reveal. It is a the perfect way to get everyone involved focusing on family and fun over gifts. This is the perfect event to bring gifts for mom so she can spoil herself before her new addition arrives!
Mommy Party
This new age idea is a really wild way to celebrate your new baby with your girlfriends. Almost like a bachelorette party without all the drinking it usually all about pampering mom in the most lavish of ways. Where your girlfriends will take you away on a spa weekend getaway, a fun night out to your favorite restaurant paired with every ice cream shop you can hit before midnight! This is great for a laid back mom who needs some support from her girls and time to love herself.
A blessingway is one of the kindest new trends and incredible for a nervous mom about to give birth. Done as close to the mom’s due date as possible this event is solely focused on encouragement and calming mom before the big day. This event can be held in person or virtually so you can include family from all over the world. This gives them a chance to send words of love and support to help mom feel her strongest when finally experiencing labor. Doing this type of event online also gives moms and family a chance to even get support during labor!
Diaper Party
You think that dad and his friends are feeling a little left out when it comes to celebrating a new baby? Why not plan a Diaper Party, basically a baby shower for men only where craft beers or fancy scotch is served and the only gifts expected is diapers, diapers and more diapers. This is the perfectly practical way to help dad get excited for the new baby coming his way. Pair this with a sporting event and you will be the coolest pregnant lady on the block!
Grandma Party
Becoming a grandma is a super amazing time and has only recently started being celebrated. It can be an incredible way to help two families bond as well having both sides of the family in attendance and celebrating together. Making grandma feel special can be a wonderful way to spread the love and make her feel needed as her children start having children of their own. Get them excited about their new role in your life.
Sip and See Party
The sip and see is the best way to minimize the constant flow of people coming and going after baby is born. Arranging a specific day for your family and friends to come over and meet the new baby can be a huge sanity savour in the first weeks of life with new baby. A great idea for these parties is to bring frozen dinners for the new family to help them rest a little easier during these sleepless months.
There are so many ways to celebrate your new little bundle of joy and we hope we helped you find the perfect party ideas for you and your family!