Enrichment Class Spotlight: Power House Dance
When searching for a dance studio for your child, what do qualities do you look for? One with a wide array of class, highly qualified teachers and of course somewhere you child feels comfortable. Well, look no further than Power House Dance! With over…
What Makes Boogaloo Academy A Great Choice
“If you ask children if they can dance, sing, draw or act, they will always answer ‘yes’,” says Anita Perel-Panar, co-owner of Boogaloo Academy, and mom to 3 daughters. This is because children are natural artists.” If you are looking for a dance academy for…
Childcare Options and Types Available
Finding the right childcare can be a difficult transition. You want a provider who is caring and attentive and responsible. You want something that fits your life in terms of hours, location and cost. And you don’t want to spend years on a waitlist. Here…
The Importance of a Contract When Hiring a Nanny
This article has been written by Adele Perry, of the Nanny Jamboree and Vancouver Nanny Network Creating a contract can seem rather time-consuming for more tedious paperwork, but I can assure you that spending the time to set up a contract with your nanny,…
Packing Lunch for Your Picky Eater Preschooler
So you have a picky eater and now he is going off to big boy school and you’re terrified he won’t eat anything. On a daily basis, you dance around him with Dora playing on the iPad trying to trick him into taking 5 bites……
Budgeting for Preschool Ages – A Useful How To Guide
It may come as no surprise, preschool can be pricey these days. So parents, and even parents-to-be think about this age and it’s incurring costs well ahead of time. Budgeting for preschool aged children has become a must these days. Costs That May Come Into…
Childcare Spotlight: Tot Spot Academy
Mom’s who are returning to the workforce often have one big problem weighing on their mind. “Who will take care of my child?” For me, it was hands down the hardest choice I had to make at that juncture in my life. I am ever…
5 Vancouver Play-Based Activities For 0-5 Year Olds
Finding things to do with the toddler and preschool age is a score! You may not want to commit to a scheduled class or activity, or perhaps you just want a one-off play activity that accommodates even the little toddlers. We have rounded up local Vancouver…
Starting Daycare and Wondering What to Pack?
Starting daycare is a new phase that takes getting used to for sure. Knowing that your child will be away, out of the house, for an entire day can be overwhelming to prepare for. Although there are lists sometimes provided, we often still sit and…