
5 Factors That Account for the IB Programme’s Popularity among Expat Families

Navigating the educational landscape overseas presents unique challenges for expatriate families. With relocation often comes the task of securing a seamless educational transition for their children, which highlights the need for a curriculum that is both globally recognized and locally adaptable. Many families will also…


10 Benefits of Enrolling in a Bachelor’s in Secondary Education Program

Teachers play a vital role in shaping our society by imparting knowledge, instilling values, and nurturing the next generation. They inspire and motivate students to reach their full potential academically, emotionally, and socially. Teachers are role models, guiding students toward becoming responsible and engaged citizens….


How to Educate Yourself to Become a Better Parent

Raising children is not an easy job. It takes great time, effort, and commitment to raise your child right, so they can grow up to become decent human beings who are compassionate, understanding, and self-disciplined. Children who grew up in a healthy environment typically find…

first aid

First Aid Every Parent Should Know

I have always wanted to help people and loved learning first aid as a part of my babysitter’s class. In 2007, I became a paramedic. I had all the faith in the system, that if you called us, we would show up to your emergency…


How to Support Your Child’s Education at Every Stage

As a parent, you can play an important role in your child’s education, but what that looks like will evolve over time and at different stages. You’re probably already planning to get involved at your kid’s school, stay in touch with teachers, and help with…


New Arctic Journey Experience Opens at TWOSE September 17, 2022

New Arctic Journey opens September 17 at  TELUS World of Science – Edmonton The Arctic Journey is an awe-inspiring interactive science  exhibition that tells the story of the changes experienced by the people, land, and animals living in the  North.  As guests enter Arctic Journey in…