We are excited to announce that Karen Woodfield is putting on a brand new FREE HypnoBirthing seminar for expecting moms at Active Baby in Capilano Mall this Thursday! She will show mothers and birth companions that there are techniques for safe and satisfying birthing through…
Read More...Modern Bump Lunch November 25 – Prizing updates!
I’ve just updated the prize list for our Modern Bump Lunch for pregnant mamas on November 25th. This afternoon will featured a delicious 3-course lunch, expert speakers, a maternity fashion show, and of course PRIZES! We are still adding prizes, but we have an exciting…
Read More...Modern Bump Lunch for expecting and new mamas – November 25
It’s Modern Mama’s 5th annual Pregnancy Awareness Month and our Bump Luncheon happens on Sunday, November 25th, 1pm-3:30pm. For the second year in a row, we bring Vancouver our fabulous Modern Bump event! REGISTER HERE -$30 members, $35 non-members Presenting sponsor With fashion, prizes and…
Read More...Calling All New Moms
Much prep goes into baby’s arrival. Along with ensuring you have the very basics: a car-seat, crib or bassinet, diapers and layette, don’t forget to prep your nest with healthy snacks, frozen dinners, and lots of coupons. Wait, what? Coupons? Register for free stuff, yes….
Read More...Modern Mama Approved: 4 Breastfeeding Products I Couldn’t Live Without!
Let’s cut to the chase. Breastfeeding is a wonderful thing when it comes naturally, but it can also be one of the most challenging things a new mama can face. I struggled with my first daughter tremendously, juggling breastfeeding, pumping and bottle feeding around the…
What to Expect Book Series: Review and Giveaway!
I was asked to review a few books from the excellent What to Expect.com book series AND give them away! These books are such great resources that I was more than happy to oblige. The first book in the series is the most famous…
Read More...inspired to plan a party
Our kids all have birthdays, every year! While I love to daydream of throwing the most fabulous bash ever, I usually resort to a simple shindig or party at the local community centre so I don’t have to deal with a house-full. However, that doesn’t…
Read More...Nursery Inspiration
Baby’s coming soon, it’s time to create baby’s room in your home. If hiring a designer is not in the budget, we have some tips and links for you to create your dream nursery. A couple of must-haves for your nursery include: crib change table…
5 things – Baby Books
I still remember, I was about 8 and a half months pregnant and feeling pretty good about myself as I’d read every pregnancy book I could think of. Then I realized…wait a minute, what about when the baby actually ARRIVES? What do I do? Strangely,…
Modern Bump Brunch: Portraits by Anita
Time to meet our Modern Bump Brunch sponsor and photographer, Anita Alberto from Portraits by Anita. Anita will have a photo booth set-up at the event to snap some excellent maternity photos for all you mamas-to-be. A great memory to have of this special time…