Twice a month we interview Dads in our “How Does He Do It?” feature. If interested in participating please reach out on Facebook or Instagram.
We are excited to introduce you to Alex Smirnov:
Are you an urban or suburban dad, where do you live?
Definitely would consider myself a suburban dad, I’m not a huge fan of the hustle and bustle of the city. We live in Maple Ridge, BC
Tell us about your children?
I have two sons, Leonardo who is named after Di Vinci and just turned 7. We got him diagnosed Autistic at 2.5 and he was having seizures at the time too and now been diagnosed ADHD as well. Life with Leo can be hard at times and requires a lot of appointments I am very fortunate to work for a company that has been amazing with my schedule over the last couple years so that I can go to pretty much everyone of Leo’s appointments to support him and my wife we always try to do everything as a team. Leo is complicated but also so loving and hilarious he is always trying to make everyone around him laugh.
My other sons name is Dominik named after Vin Diesel’s character in Fast and Furious cause of course I’m a car guy by trade. He just turned 3 this year and the sweetest little guy he loves running and jumping and loves copying big brother Leo. My favourite days are when I’m home with my boys having dance parties in the living-room and race plasma cars back and forth and going on adventures.
Tell us about your typical weekday?
I am the sole income in our home as Leo requires a lot of care sometimes and my wife needs to be available for him in case he has issues at school. I work quite a bite but we have recently downsized so that I can spend more time at home which has been great kids grow to fast and I want to soak up all the time we have before there teenagers and don’t want to hand out with there dad haha.
Do you have help?
Yes I have an amazing wife of over 10 years and we both have quite a bit of extended family that live locally too.
Who cooks dinner?
My wife mostly does but I definitely BBQ my fair share too.
How often do you have date nights?
Probably once a month, its hard to find people that can care for a kid like Leo that we trust and feel comfortable with, but my mother in law is amazing with special kiddos she helps us out a lot. We feel so lucky to have such a supportive family.
What clothing lines or stores do you like to purchase for your children?
Well Leo will only wear Old Navy super soft tee’s and then only athletic shorts which we get from Walmart or Children’s Place. Dominik loves his BONDS, Children’s Place and H & M. I do secretly love that all the stores they like carry matching tees for me!
Do you exercise regularly and if so, what and how do you fit in it?
Exercising at a gym is hard with my work schedule so I like to fit it in mostly with involving the kids, so walking, parks, dancing, plasma car racing pretty much anything fun with the kiddos it also helps to wear us all out at the same time and then the occasional late night work out.
What is your favourite Christmas/Hanukkah gift that you have received as an adult?
Hmmm that’s a hard one but probably the night away my kids got me and my wife last year, on boxing day we went for dinner and to a hotel we each had a queen size bed to spread out and it was amazing to eat and sleep undisturbed. We are definitely hoping to do it again this year it was the perfect way to rejuvenate after the holidays.
What are you currently watching?
Pretty much anything my kids watch… then occasionally late at night I definitely sneak in some Walking Dead or a car restoration show of some sort.
Thank you to Alex Smirnov for taking the time out of his day to let us know “How He Does It.”
What a amazing family❤️
They are!
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