Recently my 6 month old son became an Official Huggies Tester. Unbeknownst to him, his Mama signed him up to try out some new diapers and wipes. Of course, I’m helping with the writing, but he did most of the work.
I was very excited once the package arrived and was impressed at how much attention to detail Huggies puts into their packaging. Having used Huggies since his birth and considering I’m a sleuth for all things baby, I was excited to see the differences in their new product. Inside the package were 2 items to try: Snug & Dry Diapers with new SureFit design and Natural Care Wipes with new Triple Clean layers.
The claim that these diapers hold up for 12 hours would be put to the test as my LO was starting to stretch his nighttime sleep.
Diapers Pro’s
The extended front waistband was a good addition as it protects baby’s legs at the crease when seated.
They did not leak, however, I did not test out the full 12 hours due to him changing his sleeping patterns just as we started to test.
Also the rear accordion like waistband fit snug against his back, creating a good seal on his skin.
Diapers Con’s
The secure waist tab, at front, was cut to a square which was difficult to lift and adhere to the waistband. As opposed to the rounded waist tab on their other products.
Wipes Pro’s
They were quite thick, easy and safe to use for cleaning up bodily fluid messes other than just the diaper area.
The container had rubber end tabs which nicely secured the product to the table, floor or anywhere with a slick surface. Also the easy to remove brand sticker was easily removable resulting in a nice looking container that could work with any decor in the house.
Wipes Con’s
The container packaging only contained 40 wipes, but appeared to have room for many more. I believe freshness was probably a factor here. Fact is if you insert too many wipes in the container, they will most likely dry out.
Our friends at Huggies are offering One lucky reader a 1 month’s supply of New Snug & Dry with SureFit Design diapers. It’s easy to enter, simply Like us on Facebook and a winner will be chosen on July 10, 2013 @ 12:00 EST.
Disclaimer: Product was provided free of charge for review purposes. The opinions expressed are solely my own true and honest experiences.