Happy Kids. Happy Families. Kidville. Their tag line says it all. This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending the Grand Opening of Canada’s very first Kidville in the Yonge Lawrence Village. Arriving just in time for the ribbon cutting ceremony, my son and…
Read More...Road Trip With Baby
Summertime almost always includes a road trip for my family. This year is no different, except for the fact that we are traveling with an infant. Are you planning a trip anytime soon with your baby? Following are a few tips from my experience. First,…
Top 5 Beaches in and around Toronto and the GTA
Nothing gets you more into Summer than a trip to the beach! But did you know that you don’t have to board a plane to experience some great sandy beaches and fresh clear water right here in Toronto? I’ve scoured the GTA and found these…
Read More...Huggies Review and Giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway Recently my 6 month old son became an Official Huggies Tester. Unbeknownst to him, his Mama signed him up to try out some new diapers and wipes. Of course, I’m helping with the writing, but he did most of the work. I…
Read More...Breastfeeding moms, honey and infant botulism.
During a recent gathering of moms, the topic of infant botulism circulated and I realized all of us were somewhat unclear on the safety of ingesting honey while breastfeeding. While we were all in agreement on NOT giving honey directly to an infant, we were…
Read More...Dr. Sears Seminar Highlights
This past Thursday I attended an event hosted by Bebo Mia of Toronto and Brandie Hadfield of www.withlovefrommom.ca As can be expected, the turnout was overwhelming. It isn’t everyday that Dr. Sears, called by many The Baby Guru, comes into town so mothers with kids…