ModernFamilyExpo is coming to Vancouver: Win a $390 Ultimate Date Night!

family time in nature spring summer

Are you looking for ways to live your life in a greener, healthier way? Would you like to attend an event that has you and your family’s needs in mind? One that offers ACTIVE solutions that are eco-friendly and fun too?

 The ModernFamilyExpo is Set to Launch!

Providing simple tools and tons of ideas that showcase eco-friendly, healthy, active solutions for the whole family – giving families simple tools to live greener, healthier lives the ModernFamilyExpo fits the bill.

The goal is to help everyday families find ways to take “just one step” in the right direction.

For the kids:

Par-T-Perfect Kid Zone (bouncy castle, face painting, craft stations, Gymboree & Leap Therapy play area, Cinderella meet & greet, and Whole Foods Market “play with your food” station).

For the whole family:

The Expo features experts & exhibitors in 5 categories: Eco-Friendly Living, Food & Nutrition, Health & Wellness, Pre & Postnatal, and Active Living.
Features include:
$10,000 in Grand Prizing (including a $5,000 New Mom & Baby Package and a $5,000 Whole Family Wellness Package)
65+ exhibitor booths, including lots of healthy food & beverage sampling
Active Living Zone (parenting & health workshops, and  a pre-registered prenatal yoga class and a mom & baby boxing class with loaded swag bags) Family Lounge with change tables and comfortable breastfeeding area
BabyGoRound collection of second hand baby & child gear for low income families
Bullfrog powered event with 100% BC wind power and TravelSmart bicycle valet

Event Details

Where: Pinnacle Hotel at the Pier in North Vancouver on Sunday, February 23, 2014
When: February 23rd, 2014 from 10-5pm
Tickets: $8 online in advance, $10 cash at the door, kids under 12 free


 Win the Ultimate Date Night! ($390 Value)

To enter to win the Ultimate Date Night fill out Rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

For more information on ModernFamilyExpo please go to their Facebook  and Event pages.

You can also find them on Twitter  and follow along at #modernfamilyexpo #myhealthyfamily #ecohealthy and visit their website

Don’t hesitate! Get your tickets today before they’re gone. The ModernFamilyExpo is brought to you by Whole Foods.


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