2022 Holiday Cocktail Advent

Modern Mama Holiday Cocktail Advent

It’s time for my annual cocktail advent.  2022 has been a busy year as everyone got back into the new normal and started to learn to live with COVID.  Thankfully (so far) this year BC has not have the magnitude of natural disasters we had…

Summer Book Review - Kids

Summer 2021 Childrens Books & Giveaway

  One of the fun parts of my job is getting a variety of books from publishers.  My kids and husband love it when we get new books in the mail. There are so many amazing authors and illustrators, many of of which are Canadian. …

How to beat the summer heat

How to Beat The Summer Heat

With the summer upon us, we can expect to have some hot days ahead. Unfortunately, we are not blessed with central air in our home so we have to make due with other ways to beat the heat. Sometimes its too busy or hot to…