Happy Mother’s Day Massage Therapy Giveaway!

Massage therapy imageHow many North Shore mamas find time for basic self-care like eating healthy meals, showering as often as you did before kids, and exercising a few times a week? Those tasks can certainly prove challenging with little ones around the house….and that means it’s VERY hard to fit in (or pay for) the “luxuries” that could really re-charge and re-fresh mamas and make us more relaxed parents…things like massage therapy!

A few months ago I had the unexpected opportunity to have 24 hours alone (hubby took both kids away overnight), and once they drove away I stared at the door for 20 minutes expecting them to return right away. When that didn’t happen, I started scrolling through the endless to-do list in my head, imagining how much I could accomplish with 24 hours alone…….THEN I stopped. I recalled that this break was for me to re-charge….NOT check more things off my usual do-to list. I was supposed to take care of ME. So I thought back to my favourite pre-kid luxuries, and massage therapy certainly topped the list. Knowing that I’d need an RMT (so that extended medical would cover a portion of the cost), I started calling spas all over the North Shore. Every single one said “our first opening is next week”. Clearly nobody understood the plight of a mama with a small window of 24 hours to make things happen!!!

Edgemont Massage Therapy LogoThen I discovered Edgemont Massage Therapy. I called the front desk and was initially told “our first opening is next week”…..but when I broke down and begged for a massage and explained my 24-hour “free mama” window, the amazing Shawna Gnutel on the other end of the line agreed to squeeze me in for a 1/2 hour massage during one of her breaks. I was so happy I almost cried! Then when I arrived, I discovered that the person after me had cancelled and I could have full hour massage! Amazing.

Best. Massage. Ever. Shawna (and all of the therapists at Edgemont Massage Therapy) are Registered Massage Therapists, and I can’t recommend them highly enough for busy, tired mamas who need a little re-charge. They’re open 7 days a week from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm, and I especially love their online booking system that allows you to see which therapists are available at what time each day and book without a phone call.  I’ve been back to see Shawna twice now, and she’s my new go-to gal for mama self-care when I can squeeze it in!

Shawna is offering a special Mother’s Day giveaway to one of our lucky readers….a one-hour relaxation massage at Edgemont Massage Therapy ($100 value!) to use whenever you can find the time! 

Enter to win through the Rafflecopter widget below (contest ends Wednesday, May 14th at midnight).

Good luck mamas!

Angela Signature

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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    I would love to win as I deserve some ME time that I sorely lack with a brand new 6-week old. A pampering massage sounds like a dreamy luxury right about now!!

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    With 3 little ones and another on the way I could definitely use some mommy relaxation time!

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    I fully support those in any caring profession taking the time for SELF care. How can we look after others if we are too tired to help ourselves. This is part of my commitment to my self care so I can continue being a great MUM/WIFE/HYPNOBIRTHING PRACTITIONER. An hours massage would put me back together!

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    I have been trying to go for a massage since my daughter was born.. That was almost two years ago!

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