According to Netflix, staying in is the new Date Night and I couldn’t agree more!
Staying in is the New Date Night. Six in ten (58%) respondents in a relationship say they prefer to stay in and watch Netflix for date night. Most (77%) say they watch Netflix together because they like spending time together without leaving the house, while seven in ten (68%) say shows are more fun when watched together, and 58% enjoy having someone to talk with about the show – the ultimate bonding experience!
As parents of three children under four my husband and I rarely find the time and energy to go out in the evening and when we do, we are usually home pretty early. So instead of going out, we usually have a little Date-Night-In once our kids have gone to bed.
Tips for a Perfect Date Night In
- Put on real clothes (at least the good yoga pants) and do your hair. Confession: If I am wearing real clothes and have my hair done my husband and kids ask me where I am going or who is coming over. hehehe
- Plan a special meal for just the two of you and enjoy it once your littles are tucked in their beds
- Once your meal is complete you can curl up on the couch with your favorite snacks and enjoy a good movie together!
We love Netflix and the variety of movies that are available to us; usually I suggest a romantic movie and my husband suggests an action/thriller and ultimately we end up watch a comedy. But more importantly than the movie genre is the time spent together, watching “grown-up shows” ie. no cartoons with catchy theme songs.
Here are a Few Viewing Suggestions:
The Proposal
Knocked Up
P.S. I Love You
What is your favorite Date Night-In Movie?
**Disclaimer: I am a member a of the Netflix Stream Team but all opinions expressed above are my own.**