How is school right around the corner!? It feels like yesterday was the last day of school and now we are preparing for our journey of getting ready for school to begin. Now, my daughter is going into grade 2 this year so we are still pretty new at this whole school thing. However, we do have some advice on how to have an easier transition from Summer break to the first day back in their desk.
Put Them To Bed Earlier
Now, I’m sure most of you already knew this one but I can stress to you the importance of it. All Summer long we have been pretty lax about bedtimes allowing them quite often to not be in bed until 10 pm. My daughter could sleep all morning if we let her so making sure she is in bed at a decent time for her to adjust is crucial. Now, that doesn’t mean they will go to sleep immediately it will still take time to get used to that earlier bedtime. But, it will make things that much easier for that first week back.
Practice Eating Lunch
I have seen this idea floating around social media recently and I love it! If this is your child’s first year having full-day school it is a great idea to do a test run with their new lunch gear. This is to make sure they are able to open up their containers easily, get a feel of what it’s like eating out of their lunch box, and see if they can eat it all in the amount of time they are given.
Do A Trial Morning Run
I feel like this would be especially helpful for a nervous first-timer! My kids are not good at getting things done in a timely manner. They love to take their sweet time eating their breakfast and getting dressed so once school comes in a big dose of reality! Practice waking them up when they would be for school, doing everything that they would need to do to be ready. If they are struggling then it might be a sign they need to get up earlier!
Plan Their First Week Outfits
This is a fantastic idea for two reasons!
1. It streamlines the morning to make things go smoothly so you aren’t potentially delaying getting out the door on time.
2. It gets them excited about going back and showing everyone their new outfits!
Organize A Space For School Stuff
There is a lot of extra gear that needs to be pulled out once school starts. Having a designated hanging area for backpacks and lunch kits for each kid will help stay organized. As well as a cubby for papers and we will always hang important papers up on our fridge to remember! A bulletin board would also be perfect for that!