Twice a month we interview Dads in our “How Does He Do It?’ feature. If interested in participating please reach out on Facebook or Instagram.
We are excited to introduce you to Taylor McKinney. He is a husband and father, raising three children in Chattanooga, TN. Taylor has two biological children and is a step-father to one. He and his wife, Maci, own a clothing company, TTM Lifestyle. They are also featured on MTV’s Teen Mom.
Are you an urban or suburban dad, where do you live?
Suburban dad. We live a little ways outside of Chattanooga, TN. It’s nice and peaceful out here.
Tell us about your children?
I have 3 kids – Bentley, Jayde and Maverick. Bentley is 11-years-old. He plays every sport imaginable and also takes piano lessons. Great student and every teacher that he ever has seems to absolutely love him. He’s also the greatest big brother you could ask for. He’s so helpful with the little ones. Jayde and Maverick are 4 and 3. They’re 1 year and 2 days apart so they’re super close with each other but also complete opposites. Jayde is a daddy’s girl and a quick learner. She’s super sweet but tough too. She’s followed in Bentley’s footsteps and started wrestling this year. Maverick is our wild child. He loves monster trucks, baseball, dirt bikes and wrestling as well. He wrestles all the time with Bentley. We often find him in timeout at daycare because he’s tried to wrestle one of his classmates, ha! He lives up to his name and definitely marches to the beat of his own drum.
Tell us about your typical weekday?
Wake up, COFFEE, take the kids to school and then get started with some emails. We own a clothing line, TTM Lifestyle, so a lot of it revolves around that. I try to at least do 1 load of laundry per day. If you don’t with 3 kids, you’ll fall behind. Pick up the kids from school and get them to practice. Then dinner, showers and bedtime.
Do you have help?
Oh yeah, my wife Maci is a huge help. We parent great together. There’s things I don’t like to do or do well. She swoops in to save me, ha. We balance each other out. I couldn’t do it without her.
Who cooks dinner?
Maci does. She’s a phenomenal cook. I do the grilling but she pretty much does it all in the kitchen.
How often do you have date nights?
Maybe once or twice a month. We stay pretty busy but we do enjoy our nights out. You have to have them as a parent.
What clothing lines or stores do you like to purchase for your children?
They wear our stuff, TTM Lifestyle, haha.
Do you exercise regularly and if so, what and how do you fit in it?
I’m pretty active but I don’t go to the gym regularly. I golf once or twice a week. I also get outside and play with the kids. Me and Bentley will play several games of 1 on 1 basketball throughout the week.
What is your favourite Christmas/Hanukkah gift that you have received as an adult?
I’m a huge Dallas Cowboys fan. A few years ago Maci got me an early Christmas gift. It was box tickets to the Thanksgiving Day game. The BEST gift I’ve gotten.
What are you currently watching?
I watch a lot of sports and I’m currently waiting on the new season of Yellowstone on Prime.
Thank you to Taylor for taking time out of his day to let us know “How Does He Do It.”