Once a month we interview Moms in our “How Does She Do It? feature. If you are interested in participating please reach out on
Are you an Urban or Suburban Mama, where do you live?
We live in the small village of Minto, which has a population of approximately 2,300 people. It is about 45 minutes outside of the City of Fredericton, the Capital of New Brunswick. We love our small town life!
Tell us about your children?
I am a girl mom! I have one daughter, Lilah Rylynn, who is 17 months old. She is a very happy toddler who is full of energy, loves blowing kisses, and she just recently started walking which is a huge step for her. She was born with a club foot, which made it a little harder for her to take her first steps, but there is no stopping her now! She has had a long haul with her treatments and she still has a few years left to go. She is one tough little cookie!
Tell us about your typical weekday?
Our alarms go off at 6 AM on most mornings in our home. My fiance Ryan and I get up to get ourselves ready for work, get Lilah ready for daycare, and then we are out the door by 6:45 AM. Luckily Lilah’s daycare is on the same route that Ryan takes to work so she travels with him. My work day starts at 7 AM and ends at 7 PM. I work as a full-time personal support worker at a special care home that is just minutes down the road from my home. The first thing that I do when I get home from work is have a nice hot shower, play with Lilah, have something to eat, and work on my essential oil business. On my days off, Lilah and I wake up and we have breakfast, read books, play with her favorite toys, watch her favorite TV shows (The Wiggles and The Backyardigans), eat yummy snacks, visit family, dance, bathe and then before we know it, it’s bedtime again. I usually sit down to relax and watch a couple of episodes of Grey’s Anatomy on Netflix and work on my business, Young Living Essential Oils, before I slip into bed for the night.
Do you have help?
Yes! Lilah’s father is very helpful with everything. My mother is also a huge help. A mom needs her mom too!
Who cooks dinner?
In our home, it depends on the day. Since I work until 7 PM most days and my Ryan’s work day ends at 5 PM with a 45 minute travel, he is usually home before I am and he will cook dinner. On my days off I will cook dinner. Sometimes we like to get takeout.
How often do you buy something just for you?
I buy something for myself at least once a month! I usually buy a new essential oil, some new clothes or new makeup. As a mom, sometimes you have to spoil yourself too.
Do you exercise regularly and if so, what and how do you fit it in?
During the cold and dreary months of winter in Canada, I can be honest and say that I don’t get much exercise. However, I am on my feet and going non-stop while at work so maybe that counts. In the warmer months I try to walk at least 1-2 hours daily.
What clothing lines or stores do you like to buy for your children?
We shop anywhere for Lilah’s clothing. It’s usually anywhere ranging from the Children’s Place, Old Navy, GAP, to Wal-Mart, Amazon, etc.
I’m totally obsessed with…
My Young Living essential oils! I use them every single day for various reasons. I’m also totally obsessed with music as I come from a musical family and I play multiple musical instruments.
Three things in my purse right now are…
1. Stress Away essential oil from Young Living
2. My favorite knitted mittens
3. A pretty floral journal
My favorite drugstore buy is…
Mascara, little home decor, nail polish, chap-stick.
My guilty pleasure is…
Chocolate, blasting Fleetwood Mac albums in my car, online shopping, long drives, hot baths, horror films.
Thank you so much to Merissa for taking the time out of her day to let us know “How Does She Do It.”