How Does She Do It?…with Samantha Lenz

Samantha Lenz

Twice a month we interview Mom’s in our “How Does She Do It?’ feature. If interested in participating please reach out on Facebook or Instagram.


We are excited to introduce you to Samantha Lenz. Samantha is a local blogger and copywriter. She currently has one son and is raising her family in the Fraser Valley, BC.

Are you an Urban or Suburban Mama, where do you live?

I live in the Fraser Valley! I live in the Suburbs but am way more of an urban girl. 

Tell us about your children?

I have one kiddo – Ryerson, who is currently 4.5 years old.

Tell us about your typical weekday?

Wake up, alongside my 4.5-year-old cause yes we still share a bed (ugh, his doing not mine). Make a cup of coffee while I get Ry ready. He is either going to daycare or preschool and I am working throughout the day and running after him when he is home. Otherwise, I am glued to my computer or running errands. 

Samantha Lenz

Do you have help?

Yes and no. Daycare has been a big lifesaver even for a few days a week. My mom helps out when she can on some weekends and then my fiance is around evenings as well and helps a tonne then. Otherwise, it’s just our small little tribe. 

Who cooks dinner?

Me… duh! Rick is good when it comes to the BBQ. Otherwise, I don’t trust him in the kitchen LOL! 

How often do you buy something just for you?

Buy? hmmm. I do go for nails and lashes every 2/3 weeks which is my ‘me time’. 

What clothing lines or stores do you like to buy for your children?

Old Navy is great for quick affordable clothing (don’t expect it to last more than a season though). Zara, Costco for random finds and Walmart. We do have some items from local small shops like Jax and Lennon and we love HeyFolks.

Samantha Lenz

I’m totally obsessed with…

FRIENDS! (The TV show)… seriously ask me anything to do with this show, I’ll know the answer, plus some. 

Three things in my purse right now are…

  1. Tons of Receipts
  2. Chapstick
  3. Jolly Ranchers

My favourite drugstore buy is?

Waterproof mascara

My guilty pleasure is?

Watching all the Real Housewives series… and vanilla dip donuts.
Thank you to Samantha Lenz for taking the time out of her day to let us know “How Does She Do It.”

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