Once a month we interview Moms in our “How Does She Do It?” feature. If interested in participating please reach out on Facebook or Instagram.
Are you an Urban or Suburban Mama, where do you live?
Urban Mom by heart surviving the Suburban Living. My family and I live in the Bay Area of California
Tell us about your children?
I have 2 boys. My little Irish twins. Grayson who is 5 really going on 15. Hudson who is 4 with a temper of The Hulk
Tell us about your typical weekday?
Typical weekday is starting my morning at 4:00 AM. I always start out with My Miracle Morning routine and Bible Study. Get the boys up and ready for pre school. Once I have them sent off to school I will start work on my Direct Sales home based business and school home work. I am currently working toward a Christian Life Coaching Certification.
Do you have help?
Yes. I have a Husband who is very supportive and such a big hands on father.
Who cooks dinner?
Currently we have our meals prepped, but usually my Husband does.
How often do you buy something just for you?
LOL Maybe a little too often.
Do you exercise regularly and if so, what and how do you fit it in?
I exercise 4 days a week and I fit it in to my morning routine. Hence why I am up at 4:00 am
What clothing lines or stores do you like to buy for your children?
Honestly we are not too picky, but find ourselves posting at Old Navy or Target for the boys clothes.
I’m totally obsessed with…
Journals, pens, and daily planners.
Three things in my purse right now are…
- Turkish Delight Lip Gloss by NARS
- My Maskcara Compact
- Random receipts from the day
My favourite drugstore buy is….
Lipsticks and chapsticks
My guilty pleasure is…
Rae Dunn anything!
Thank you to Tia for taking the time out of her day to let us know “How She Does It.”