I think comparing ourselves to others can be something that we strive not to do but yet sometimes is hard to not to let happen. In an Instagram world it can be hard to know what is real and what is a perfect lighted, photoshopped to perfection, pre-set picture. I think it is really important for us all to know that we are enough and that as cliché as it is that beauty comes within and ultimately confidence is the sexiest thing that we can wear. If there is anyone that makes you feel triggered, or bad about yourself hit unfollow or block. Surround yourself with people and accounts that entertain you and makes you feel good about yourself. These are just a few of the influencers that I find smart, funny, beautiful and have good tips whether it is about fitness, fashion or parenting. Ultimately they all remind that we are more than just the body that we are in.
Recommended soundtrack to accompany this article is of course Lizzo’s Juice and Good As Hell.
Codi Darnell
Instagram: @helpcodiheal
Brandi Jeter Riley
Instagram: @brandijeter
Heydy Lopez
Instagram: @heydylopez_
Bethany C. Meyers
Instagram: @bethanycmeyers
Jen Pistor
Instagram: @jenpistor
Arshia Lakhani
Instagram: @arrshia
Sarah Nicole Landry
Instagram: @thebirdspapaya
Bianca Karina
Instagram: @biancakarina_
Bethaly Miro
Instagram: @bethalylovebeauty
Roxy Earle
Instagram: @luxuriosroxy
Let me know in the comments who else you would add to this list. I am always looking for new accounts to follow.
If you aren’t already can follow me on Instagram.