Small Business Sunday with Grasp Learn Play Kits

Grasp Learn Play Kits

With the second wave of COVID-19 upon us, I have decided to bring back Small Business Sundays! Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and we need to support them however we can, especially with the Holiday season quickly approaching!

Grasp Learn Play Kits

Grasp Play & Learn Kits is a home-based business in Spruce Grove that makes play dough kits that have loose parts for kids to play and create with. The kits help build fine motor skills as well as open ended play that can help with language and sensory regulation. Grasp Play & Learn Kits ship Canada-wide.

What Is Unique About Your Business or What Made You Choose This Type of Business?

The texture of the play dough is incredibly soft, but not sticky. Customers are always amazed when I give them a sample to play with; it is supple and pillowy in texture. My price is also significantly lower than competitors, with more pieces in the kits and more play dough. I believe in providing quality and value for parents and kids.

What Is Your Favourite Small Business (Aside From Your Own)?

I love all of the pottery at the Parkland Potters Guild in Stony Plain. The pieces are a very affordable and functional way to support small and have beautiful pieces in your home.

Grasp Learn Play Kits

If You Had One Piece of Advice to Someone Just Starting Out, What Would It Be?

Aim big and be positive. The power of attraction is huge and it will contribute to your success.

What Are Your Long-Term Business Goals?

I am branching into other kids play & learn products in December and January this year. I have had retail offers to carry the product, so my goal is to find a local retailer to carry product that is the right fit for my business. I am also working on an online sales site so that I can sell and ship internationally.

Grasp Play Learn Kits

What Is Your Funniest/Weirdest/Most Memorable Experience With A Customer or Client?

Adults are often just as (or more) excited as the kids are about the kits. I had an adult approach me to make a kit for her just for fun relaxation!


Thank you, Mona from Grasp Learn & Play Kits for participating in Small Business Sunday!

Make sure to follow Grasp Learn & Play Kits on Facebook and Instagram.

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