Have you heard? We have an Essential Series event coming up: Eat by Design – Kids! – a special seminar based on the original Eat by Design series, created especially for moms! Here is my promise to you, as your Modern Mama Director: I will never…
Read More...Next Essential Series: Toddlerhood: Talking to Toddlers and taming those Tantrums!
Essential Series Weekend: Toddlerhood: Talking to Toddlers and taming those Tantrums! Announcing our first weekend Essential Series seminar! Toddlerhood: Talking to Toddlers and taming those Tantrums! Date: Saturday: November 17th 2012 Time: 2:30-4:30 Price: $20.00 members, $25.00 non-members, $35 for a couple *Includes workshop, light…
Read More...Essential Series: Healthy First Foods and Intro to Baby Led Weaning
I’m super excited about our October Essential Series as we’ll be covering an introduction to baby nutrition and the feeding approach called Baby Led Weaning. I used many aspects of the Baby Led Weaning (BLW) approach with my son and it worked so well for…
Essential Series Event: Healthy Foods First, Feb 23
Modern Mama is looking forward to hosting local authors and experts in baby nutrition next Thursday, Feb 23 for our Essential Series Seminar on Healthy Foods First for baby. Introducing foods to your baby can be an overwhelming experience – I was always worried about…