Toddler activities classes

When is a Good Time to Start Toddler Activities?

Starting toddler activities is a fun and exciting time. It’s a time to take an abundant amount of pictures, watch them try their hand at new and emerging interests, and also have them just look super cute. As parents, it goes without saying that we think…


Child Care + Preschools Guide: North Edmonton & St.Albert

  For the month of March, us here at Modern Mama are going to be sharing our child care guide! Watch for posts all about preschools, enrichment activities and of course child care! I know we all want the best for our little ones, and…


2014 Holiday Guide

Photos by Stephanie Pasutto It’s here and better than ever, our 2014 Holiday Guide! Check out our locally focused Holiday Guides in Winnipeg, Lethbridge, Edmonton and Calgary too! Articles: Baby’s First Christmas Gift Guide Mom’s Ultimate Gift Guide (Wish List!) … Coming Soon Fun Advent Calendar…