Twice a month we interview Mom’s in our “How Does She Do It?” feature. If interested in participating please reach out on Facebook or Instagram.
We are excited to introduce you to Michelle Henderson! She is the mama behind Edmonton Mama. You can follow her on Facebook and Instagram and don’t forget to check out her blog.
Are you an Urban or Suburban Mama, where do you live?
I am an Urban Mama! My girls and I live in North Edmonton 🙂
Tell us about your children?
I have three daughters: Hannah (13), Maya (12), and Nadia (5).
My daughters are all incredibly kind hearted girls. Hanna is a spitting image of me, Maya is my sweetheart, and Nadia is wild and hilarious!
Tell us about your typical weekday?
I get up an hour or so before the kids to get in a quick workout and uninterrupted shower. Then I wake up the girls and get Nadia ready for school. After school drop off, I start my one-on-one homeschool day with Hannah and make sure Maya is set up for her online school video call. I run any errands I need to do just before picking up Nadia from her half-day of school and we come home to have lunch and play games/relax before I need to start preparing dinner. After dinner I clean up, it’s bathtime, and I read a bedtime story to Nadia and put her to bed. Sometimes she stays there, haha. Then I read a couple of chapters of our current novel to the older girls before they are off to bed as well. Of course, I am working between caring for the kids – blogs, finding resources and deals to share with other local parents, some sales, light bookkeeping and tax prep, phone calls, answering emails, and the usual other Mom duties! After bedtime for the kids, I catch up on emails and what I can from my to-do list and go to bed. Start again in the morning!
Do you have help?
I don’t have any physical help in our home, but my Mom is amazing. She works full time as a Social Worker with Child and Family Services during the week, but we spend every Sunday with her. My girls absolutely adore her and she is always there for me when I need someone to talk to. A supportive conversation with her is always just a phone call away 🙂
Who cooks dinner?
Being the only adult in the house, I cook almost all of the time, but Hannah is eager to learn. She treats us once in a while with her delicious chicken fajitas, and Maya is starting to take an interest in food prep too!

How often do you buy something just for you?
Very rarely, if ever. Budget, budget, budget!
Do you exercise regularly and if so, what and how do you fit it in?
I do when I can. I can only get a decent workout in if I get up before the kids. Some days I am just too tired, so it gets skipped. I am not hard on myself if I miss a few days to catch up on some much needed sleep – the goal is always to be healthy and feel good, and that, of course, includes a decent sleep once in a while 🙂
What clothing lines or stores do you like to buy for your children?
My older girls love to go through their Mom’s closet for clothes to wear lol. They are loving sweaters and leggings from Ardene’s lately, and we have had luck with cute finds from Winners the last little while! I used to LOVE Gymboree for Nadia, but unfortunately it has shut down…still looking for a new favourite for her for clothes!
I’m totally obsessed with…
SCHEDULES. My household cannot run without schedules, to-do lists and my trusty Google calendar.
Three things in my purse right now are…
Lip chap, my wallet, and a couple of Nadia’s toys!

My favourite drugstore buy is?
Snacks! I usually only visit the drugstore for necessities, or if I don’t feel like tackling a larger store for just a couple of items. But I almost always leave with an unnecessary sugary snack 🙂
My guilty pleasure is?
Reliving my childhood with my own kids! I love getting involved with crafts, events, and games with my kids – and play and laugh like I am a kid again too. Those are my best days.
Thank you to Michelle Henderson for taking time out of her busy day to let us know “How Does She Do It?”