Rainy days are always a hard thing to get through with kids who can chew through activities like nothing you have ever seen before. Given the option they will tear through one thing after another and on a rainy day you need to make sure you have a great arsenal of rainy day activities for them to do. Keeping them busy keeps them happy and keeps them from getting destructive with their things or each other if you are dealing with siblings. With two boys I have my hands full on rainy days trying to keep them busy while doing my best not to plug them in to their games and iPads. Rainy day activities are a must when you have kids and the more creative you get with it the better!
Getting Messy In The Kitchen
Some of the best memories I have growing up was baking in the kitchen, usually in my jammies, with my mom and those are some of my favorite memories with my kids already. There is nothing better than staying cozy at home all day and cooking some comfort food in the kitchen. With my boys I love to make super simple recipes that I know they will love and that I know they can help me with and or completely lead the way. My boys have been in the kitchen since day one so they are very good sous chefs at my house which means sometimes I only need to supervise and tidy as they cook up a storm. Check out pinterest for inspiration or an old family cookbook and make some delicious memories.
Playing Games
There is no better way to have some classic family fun on a rainy day than with board games. Finding a great game that you love to play as a family is a great way to bond and have fun – games like Mice & Mystics are great family games that focus on working together to win rather than creating competition. Simple card games are always a great idea or maybe introduce your kids to something like dominoes or Crokinole. There are so many great games out there you are bound to find something that you and your kids will love to play together.
Crafting Time
Nothing says rainy day activities more than some crafting time and in our house we love to have fun creating. Usually I try to focus on crafts that create lots of fun and great memories with a minimal amount of clean up time on my part. There are always ways to have fun without having to break out the glitter and make a huge mess for mum to clean up. After all a rainy day shouldn’t mean that the only thing you get to enjoy as a parent is cleaning up after your kids all day. Make things easy for yourself and get those kids helping with clean up – it is never too young to learn!
Themed Movie Day
When those rainy days are paired with extra clingy kids sometimes all you can do is give in to the snuggle fest and put on some great movies. Get some treats and drinks ready and pick out some of your favorite movies to enjoy together as a family. Nothing is more cozy than a big mess of blankets, kids snuggled close and all the love you need – a little chocolate doesn’t hurt of course. Over here at Modern Mama we are HUGE movie fans and we have endless Netflix suggestions perfect for any kind of day! I mean watching Netflix is a service we provide to help you with all your family movie day/night needs – at least that is what I keep telling myself as I binge-watch.
Rainy day activities don’t have to be boring for the kids or a huge mess for mom they can be fun and a great way to connect with your little ones!