***Updated March, 2022, Budgeting for Baby is now available in both Alberta AND BC***
This is still such a challenging time for small businesses. We love supporting and showcasing local and small business especially female owned. If you would like to be featured please email leah@modernmama.com
This week we are talking to Laurie and Gordon Branden. Together they teach a class called “Budgeting for Baby”. They have been offering this class for around 19 years to Alberta families. It is a FREE seminar* to expecting or new parents, with the emphasis on financial planning and budgeting for their little ones.

How did you get the idea for your business?
My husband and I are in the financial industry, and we knew that there was a need for expecting and new families to learn about the expenses associated with having a baby. In addition to baby costs, there are a variety of helpful government programs that become available once you have children, such as Maternity and Parental Leave, Canadian Child benefits, and RESP’s. The goal of this free seminar is to assist families in financially preparing for their growing family; as well as providing information to help them protect and build their own future wealth. The birth of a child is usually a motivator to begin to plan and save for your short and long-term goals, and to ensure that your loved ones are well taken care of.

How did you come up with the name for your business?
The name “Budgeting for Baby” itself, is the key to what the class is about! We wanted something that would be catchy and attract interest from new parents. The goal of the seminar is to get families thinking about budgeting and preparing financially for their new arrival. The attendants are keen on learning and getting as much information as possible before baby arrives.

What kind of services do you offer?

For nearly 20 years, we have been teaching the class FREE of charge, and cover a variety of topics. Both Gordon and I are licensed in the RESP Ind
ustry. In addition, Gordon is a Financial Security Advisor, and his expertise also focuses on Life Insurance products, Disability protection and Retirement Savings. If any of the fa
milies have a need or wish to learn more about RESP’s, Insurance products, or RRSPs, then a separate session is booked in the future to discuss those products in more detail. We hope to respectfully earn the opportunity to assist them in the future with their financial goals.
How can our readers find you?
We have a variety of marketing initiatives. We are very active on the radio, currently with 660 News and Shine FM. We are also participating in a campaign with Google, and Citytv Calgary. Also, many Obstetric and Maternity clinics in the Calgary area hand out our brochures to expecting families, and we also have an Instagram and Facebook account. In addition, we have many families who refer their friends and family to us as well. All our Ads direct families to our website at www.budgetingforbabies.com to register for a session.

What makes your business perfect for our modern mama’s?
Our niche market is families who are planning a baby, expecting a baby, or perhaps already have young children. We have always wanted the opportunity to network or advertise where our class could be relevant and attract families to our session. Modern Mama has the perfect audience, and we would love the opportunity to help build awareness to our class and what we offer.