What Mom’s Really Want For Mothers Day

what moms really want for mothers day

Here we go again….. another year, another Mothers Day… same pandemic, same restrictions….  Its enough to make a mom want to cry!

I mean come on, in many cases we have had to be confined to our household bubble more days than not. We have spent more time with our partners and kids than we ever have before, which is a blessing and a curse. We have had to stop doing in person socializing, in-person exercise/yoga, meeting friends for coffee/drinks, having our families get together with other family friends, some of us have been teaching our kids from home, working from home,  experiencing more stress all around (mental, physical, financial, emotional etc.) and in many cases increased or developed mental illnesses.  Then when the weather does not cooperate it has restricted what we can do outdoors as well.

As a mom, who is home schooling and who took extra time off my “paying job” to be able to be home for the kids and my husband – all who need my support in a variety of ways. I am more anxious and exhausted in every capacity and when I say exhausted- I mean I feel like given the opportunity I could sleep for days and would break down into a emotional mess from all the pent up stress in my body at any moment.  I don’t even know how to put it all into words.  As a mom its in our DNA to help others, to be a motherly figure whether we have kids or not, but we need support too. What I do know is that as a mom, trying to even think about Mothers day is exhausting, this year.  Every year I do something for my mom/stepmom and mother in law because I want to and its important to me.  I tell them on this day especially how important they are to me (although I try to do that all through the year as well). For myself, I should be able to leave Mothers Day in the hands of my husband along with my young kids, but I cant help but feel like I am always an afterthought, that they are forced to throw something together and it was done at the 11th hour.  I don’t know maybe its me.  Maybe its just that I am just too overextended and tapped out,  that nothing done on this one day of the year is going to make it any easier or better. In fact this year, I took the advise of friends and I bought my own Mothers Day/Birthday/Christmas gift.

When I was doing some research for this article I was surprised to see how many Mothers Day ideas included the moms having to do a bunch of work to see these ideas through. Perhaps that is how some moms like to spend Mothers day , but I feel like these are the same things that I do with my children almost daily – baking or cooking with them, playing games with them, watching a movie or a show as a family, enjoying local outdoor sites etc.   I  carried my children for 9 months then birthed them, is it too much to ask to have a “Yes Day” for just moms?   Again, maybe this is just me but what I really want for Mothers day is a day where they they need to do everything I ask, where they can not say no.  If that is too much then perhaps at least a commitment from my bubble people that they will ask less of me and help me more? Don’t us moms at least deserve that?

Don’t get me wrong I love my kids and spending time with them, but lets be honest we are all human and being around people 24/7 can be hard on any relationship. We are social beings – were were meant to be more than just parents.  Perhaps this is unrealistic but my point is that Mothers day should not be just ONE day where we treat/tell our mothers in our lives just how special and wonderful they are and hopefully cut them some slack.  The more you know the mom in your life, the more you will know what they really need.

Here is a list of things that I am pretty sure any mom would appreciate.  Ideas to show the mothers in your life just how special they are, whether it be on Mothers Day or any other day of the year.


Gifts for mom and ONLY mom

  • A nice stretch of time where us moms can do whatever we want, whether it is an uninterrupted bubble bath, time to work on a project that brings us enjoyment – crafts, a quiet walk, gardening, quiet time with our favorite beverage, photography, reading, a chance to put make-up on or do our hair etc.
  • Someone else putting effort into a meal and then cooking it and cleaning it up! Even planning to order in – if so let mom pick for a change.
  • Give mom a “YES DAY” – a day where you cant say NO to anything she asks.
  • Order a meal kit service so mom does not have to think about or do much to prepare meals for the upcoming week.
  • Drop off a meal at your parents house if restrictions are keeping you from being together.
  • Let mom sleep!!! If mom wants to sleep in, if mom needs a nap – LET HER!
  • Book mom time (without kids) to get a spa treatment or a float!
  • Book mom a tarot card reading
  • Clean the house without being asked – even if it is just the kitchen or the bathroom – anything is a welcome help.
  • Treat mom to her favorite beverage
  • Buy her a beautiful bouquet of flowers – I love stopping at local roadside flower stands and showing my support!
  • Reserve a table at a local winery or distillery (** check ahead for which ones are kid-friendly)
    Ripples Winery/New Wave Distilling where you can enjoy drinks and food on their covered patio.
    A few years ago we went to Singletree Winery because they have a beautiful grass area to have a picnic on. It was the best Mothers Day to date.  Now Singletree has the Domes to reserve. Note: they are currently booking into July.
    .Family-Inclusive Activities
  • Go for a walk, hike, browse some gardens (Vandusen Gardens, Lakeland Flowers, Queen Elizabeth Park, Stanley Park)
  • Spend time at the beach or a lake but don’t make mom do all the preparation!
  • Family movie – moms pick!
  • Family game night – moms pick!
  • Make your own pizza and/or sundaes station but again don’t make mom do all the prep or clean-up!
  • Family bike ride
  • Plan family photos
  • Plan a picnic or tea time. Many local tea houses are doing take-out for their tea/bakery boxes and many places are offering charcuterie boxes for a picnic.  For the Vancouver-area check-out Neverland Tea Salon, Notch 8 Dining and The Secret Garden. For the Fraser Valley check out Tracey Cakes and Little White House.

Here’s to hoping moms are treated like a Queen on their special day and that they continue to be given the breaks, love and respect that they deserve every day of the year!

If you agree, share this post with those that need to hear it.

From one Mom to another, wishing you all a very Happy Mothers Day!


Tina Evans


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