With the second wave of COVID-19 upon us, I have decided to bring back Small Business Sundays! Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and we need to support them however we can.
Down to Doula is a new birth doula that is servicing the Edmonton area. Taryn may be new to being a doula, but she has had 3 births of her own, one of which was a surrogacy. Taryn’s goal with Down to Doula is to provide support to women in labour and postpartum to ensure they can accomplish their ideal birth. Advocating for women and baby is very important to Taryn.
What is Unique About Your Business or What Made You Choose This Type of Business?
I love everything birth related, and knew I was put on this earth to help people, so that is what pushed me in the doula direction. I am very knowledgeable in birth and can help women with their own births, and also help surrogates as I have done this myself!
What is Your Favourite Small Business (Aside From Your Own)?
Bake My Day and Chartier are two of my most frequented small businesses and they both have delicious baked goods and food! In Edmonton, Bagel Bar is amazing! If you want bagels that aren’t full of preservatives and won’t make you feel bloated after eating them, this is your place to go! I guess I’m a food lover so all my favourite businesses are good related – haha!
If You Had One Piece of Advice to Someone Just Starting Out, What Would It Be?
Make sure you have support going into it from someone, whether it’s family, friends, or people in the business to talk to. Starting a business is very time consuming and having people encouraging you along the way helps keep you going for sure!
What Are Your Long-Term Business Goals?
I would like to get birth doula down and have a good clientele, then expand my courses and offer postpartum doula care as well as take more lactation support courses!
What Is Your Funniest/Weirdest/Most Memorable Experience With A Customer or Client?
With just starting out, I don’t have any yet. But I look forward to having many special memories of birth stories, and I imagine some weird/funny stuff will come along with them!
Thank you, Taryn, from Down to Doula for participating in Small Business Sunday!
If you would like more information about Down to Doula, or if you would like to contact Taryn, you can reach her on Facebook or follow along on her journey becoming a doula on Instagram.